December 6, 2017
December 6, 2017 is a Wednesday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 1.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On December 6
Topics Created On December 6, 2017
- Hello
- Why do Virgo men and women have trouble letting go of toxic people ?
- Advice on Dating/Relationship/Experience with a Capricorn Male
I have a question for anyone who has/or in a relationship/Dating a Capricorn male and what to expect with them.
- How they communicate
- When to give them space
- What NOT to do
- Anything you have Experience that could help
So i have been post
- He text but won't call
My Virgo made it apparent that he was irritated that I message him on Facebook versus using his phone number to text. I told him that it was duly noted and that I would start texting him through his phone. He then texted two pictures of himself over the w
- Aries guys have shit-ton of friends???
My bf went on to say last night how he has so many people in his life that he feels bad about not making time for, he then went off to rhyme off about 56 folk. REALLY?!? Ok not that many say about 15 +/- That apparently know him and vice versa on a deep l
- Being Awkward
not being able to thank someone because it feels awkward i'm not use to it, i want to but i just can't
yeah i'm Aquarius sun maybe it doesn't have anything to do with being one or maybe it does who knows :P
- Curious to know what stands out to you?
Review my chart using this link:
- The feeling of feeling dumb
Yeah, I definitely feel dumb. So I work with this gemini guy, and I think he’s cute (most of them are) lol. Anyway, he’s kind of flirty with me, and I have seen him like that with any other girl..... but i do realize just have a flirty nature. So he sends
- Aries moon vs Aries Sun
What's really the difference here guys.
As I am a Sag sun/Aries Mooner - I don't know where I really fall all the time. I do know my internal actions/thoughts are completely the sun description of the Aries.
- He likes to cook for me
I had rejected his offer to go for a date in September. In November I met him at his house, he asked me to cook for him. We kissed and made out on his couch. He held my hand and took me to his bed but we did not do anything except kisses and a passionate
- The Biological Law behind Body Modifications
Are women attracted or repulsed by tattoos?
Would you fight or flight from an altercation if ya opponent had a sleeve and bold lettering ink in plain sight?
I actually have found myself that tattoos scare off opponents or at least intimidate in the
- opinions on fight club
- opinions on fight club
- Is my Taurus bored?
Hi guys,
i am a cap (22) and my taurus (22) are together for 2 years now. I love him with all my heart. Lately i unfortunately regocnized that he is not that attentive anymore. Like, he still tells me everyday that he loves me but it also became kind of
- Is my Taurus man bored?
Hi guys,
i am a cap (22) and my taurus (22) are together for 2 years now. I love him with all my heart. Lately i unfortunately regocnized that he is not that attentive anymore. Like, he still tells me everyday that he loves me but it also became kind of
- How do you check house placements of a sign?
- new people in a group- new synastry- please help reading it. ;)
so i started working on a new projects with some people. a few weeks ago.
the group consists of a taurus woman, taurus man, 3 aries woman ( including me) and one girl that i dont know her sign. but probably its a Libra.
So form the beginnig i
- Solutions for Dry Under-eyes?
I've tried many different eye creams (from drugstore to high-end brands) to no avail. Dehydration is not the issue because the rest of my face is normal.
Any suggestions? :(
- Aloof Cancer Male
I'm an Aries woman and I've known this Cancer male for almost three years, we've been together for about one and a half years. We're in a long distance relationship and we're 7 hours apart (time zones). (We still talk literally each and every day) We both
- Does this Taurus man like me?
So there is this Taurus man I really like that goes to my university. (Venus: cancer/ mars: libra/ moon: leo) I am an aries female and my Venus is in taurus. I am good friends with him and we always talk and sit together in class but I'm getting really mi