December 23, 2017
December 23, 2017 is a Saturday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 9.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsTopics Created On December 23, 2017
- American Pie Characters
We've done Friends. How about American Pie???
A shoe in - Gemitati: just look at her avatar. Perfect!
- I need help...
Met this Cancer, hit it off, we definitely have a spiritual and soulmate connection. He told me he’s waited 35 years to meet me yet he’s afraid of commitment he’s afraid of getting hurt and he thinks that I have men lined up outside my door. The other ni
Game will start the night of December 26th or 27th. Preferably 26th.
Say youre in if you want to be added to the list
1. @Scruffles
2. @FknNerd
3. @UnusualVaginalDischarge
4. @Squished_Marshmallow
- Sag & Cancer
Met a sag last year. However due to his insecurities and something that happened he wouldn’t make me his girlfriend. I blocked his number, he blocked mine, we unblocked each others number and talked on and off since February of this year. He’s made so man
- Venus and Mars Synastry
And how does it play into the dynamics of your relationship?
- Capricorn woman
So I've met a cap woman, talked for 2 weeks at work, hit it off great, all of a sudden the last few days she has seemed very annoyed when I approach her and gives me the cold shoulder. I know she is going through some rough things currently, but I proceed
- Do I text?
So My Pisces bf and I had a falling out because I caught him in another lie. I told him this was the final show that if he wasn’t going to be honest that I was done.
This happened Tuesday. I asked him to do some serious thinking about whether or not
- Is it racist conditioning? Because of my gender? Both? Neither? Please share your opinion.
Why are professors shocked every time I get a high A on a midterm or am able to help one of my classmates with a concept during a supervised study group?
In addition to the aforementioned experiences I have had with several professors I've also held cu
- Aspergers or Aries Moon? How can you tell?
I had a crush on this girl with an Aries moon.
But recently I came to the realization that certain personality traits of hers (e.g bluntness , favoring logic in scenarios that called for both emotional and cultural sensitivity) I previously attrib
- Does figuring someone out help you to get over them more quickly?
like what "makes them tick" and or
why you were attracted to this person in the first place?
- Grisly fate of those sealed inside Biosphere 2
The grisly fate of the men and women sealed inside Biosphere 2.
- I am really upset !! my niece again has proven she is fake as fck !
So throughout the years i let my nieces visit and one of my nieces would afterwards comment on how my life is but never be straight with me.For many years i have had many struggles and i openly talked about it with them out of trust so 4 years ago my niec
- Pluto Through the Houses
There are 5 main themes of Pluto. One is transformation, two is destruction, three is intensity, four is rebirth, and five is obsession.
Pluto in the 1st house: The 1st house is the house of your identity, public persona, first impression, personalit
- Capricorn woman
Ok so I'm a sag male who hit it off really well with a cap woman at work for almost 2 weeks now. Things were going great until a few days ago out of nowhere she started giving the cold shoulder. All though I know she's going through some stuff as she told
- Pisces is by far the most underrated sign of the zodiac
They never get much credit like the other signs.
- Can someone please explain this behavior?
Why does a Sag guy send you pictures showing what he is doing out of the blue through FB Messenger, but when you reply, he either takes hours to reply back (even if he is active on Messenger), or does not reply at all. Then, send you another picture the n
- Please advice from all scorpios!
scorpio sun taurus moon (male) went silent 1 month ago, only once a week liking a post or commenting on IG, does this mean over or temp withdrawal? We were amazing together, had some misunderstaning (snowball effect) and now he stopped all communication.
- how much time takes for a libra man to start a new relationship after a long term relationship...
...which he ended?
After a few months can he start a new relationship or it will be just rebound?
- and... can a libra man cheat a woman he really likes?
I know a libra man, who cheated her girlfriend, but he seems to have a good time with her, upload pics, sends msgs all the time... how is this possible?