December 24, 2017
December 24, 2017 is a Sunday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 1.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On December 24
Topics Created On December 24, 2017
- What is a zodiac sign whose bad side you would not want to get on?
As in their retaliation would be quite brutal.
- libra man with venus in libra and mars in scorpio
which are his characteristics?
his behavour when he likes a woman or how he flirts? how is he in a relationship? is he faithful? does he like chasing?.....
- Different aspects of Mars
What does MARS sextile Ascendant mean to you?
What does Moon Conjunction MARS mean to you?
What was Venus Conjunction MARS mean to you?
What would all three of these aspects make up on a person?
Can you give me a defined scenario for one of
- Leo has to be the most overrated zodiac sign out there.
The men are all a bunch of wimps who are sensitive and won't last without constant encouragement from people.
- Merry Christmas to all
I had once said that Dxp is my retreat.
All of you morons and assholes idiots my disfunctional family!
And as much as I hate you - I love you more because you helping me to survive! And I love you all!
And I wish you ALL to find happiness and love an
- The tauri is just completely ignoring me now, should I give up or what?
This past year has been up and down and I am so confused now. I'd appreciate another set of eyes to look at my situation.
Me: Leo Sun & Scorpio Moon & Venus square Pluto
Him: Taurus Sun & Scorpio Moon (last degree) & Venus square Uranus
Synastry: S
- ...a picturesque volcano in our midst...
We live a few kilometers from a breath-taking captivating mesmerising volcano... perhaps the most beautiful in the entire world...
Its name, "Mayon Volcano," is said to be a contraction of the local vernacular "magayon" which means beautiful. If you've
- teletubbies writing styles
- "less than 1 second ago"
really, duncan???
- Cancer Sun with Mars in Virgo
Wow. He goes down on me every time and is always able to get hard again after he cums.. My Scorpio Mars was overflowing with sensuality last night... He even cums and then stays hard and continues to penetrate me until I'm satisfied... damn...
- Libra Girl trying to break Up with Aries man
Omg this aries dude i met 11 months ago makes me go crazy, I broke up and cheated on him Billion times already But he doesnt wanna go
Just 30 minutes prior to this I tried to break Up w him aGain for fucking idk 3 billion time because I can sense he ha
- Hey guys, has anyone ever experienced sleep paralysis?
I just woke up from a sleep paralysis nap. If anyone has experienced these before, then they know how terrifying they can be, your mind plays tricks on you and you start to see and hear things that aren’t there. So I had fallen asleep, well actually my bo
- IVF / IUI single woman?
So long story short. I've come to the realisation that I'm probably not going to meet anyone, I just seem a bit unlucky and I'm nearing 30, and never had a relationship or been in love.
I would like a family but as I get older I can't see it ha
- Virgo ignoring me
New here, but trying to get some opinions. I'm a Taurus male who met a Virgo girl online. We messaged a number of times and eventually I asked her out. She lives a little ways away from me, so we've only gone out a few times, but we were texting everyday
- Gentlemen introduce themselves to ladies and vice versa.
Gentlemen introduce themselves to ladies and vice versa.
I was looking at a London bar website and they had house rules, one that I found interesting.
One of which was “Gentlemen will not introduce themselves to ladies. Ladies, feel free to start a
- Caps with scorpio moon
How important would you say love is in your life? (Compared to family, career, independence, money, etc)
- Apologizing to a libra lady
I connected with a libra female a couple months ago, long distance, but we seemed to hit it off and talked nearly everyday. Fast forward to our first meeting, and it felt like a disaster. She said she felt pressured etc. Reading between the lines a lit