December 18, 2017
December 18, 2017 is a Monday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 22.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On December 18
Topics Created On December 18, 2017
- Why is Canada so much better than the US?
in terms of policy ( far more progressive)
and overall happiness of it's constituents
they legalized
Gay Marriage and Cannabis first...........
and they have better health care for example
why can't we get our sh*t together here in the U.S?
- Had an amazing night with Aqua guy but he blew me off the next day..
I am a libra.
So I have known the aqua since middle school. It's a long, complicated story but we have been sleeping together for 7 years now.
We did try a relationship when we were 18 but we broke up because we went to colleges that were across the
- If a guy lasts under a minute everytime.......
you give him a blowjob would that be a plus for minus for you?
mind you he always make sure you climax though either before or after the BJ
- Make a judgement
Because I'm seriously down to know anything anyone says 😂
Just make a comment based on our charts IDC.
- What zodiac signs are great at situations that involve power struggles and rising to the top?
In regards to things like politics, climbing the corporate ladder, and all in all getting the better of other signs.
- DXP Awards - Results
No, I didn't pull a scorched. I will unhide the topic completely after I post all results.
Will post the sun signs and elements on Wednesday evening and the rest on Thursday evening.
- If this isn't you......'re not a libra
- My cancer ex is being hysterical
My ex Cancer girlfriend of 2 years left me after I blew up on her. Then I chased her relentlessly apologizing. She ignored me for months and finally texted me back. We met and she said she wanted to come back home. I thought I would be happy but actually,
- Virgo Gents who look like Libras
1. Michael Buble - Sept. 9, 1975
2. Ben McKenzie - Sept. 12, 1978
- What makes your virgo emotions run deep?
Virgo Ladies, what can a person do to really get to your heart. I know you don't show it, but what little things or big things just really me A LOT to you. What really gets your emotions going inside?
- Mercury retrograde almost over !
Mercury is the messenger of the Gods and when in retrograde, it allows us to unearth buried truths or thought patterns that may be blocking us from moving forward or getti
- What makes you attracted to aries woman?
Hey guys, just for a quick survey. Will any of u answer this
- Does pisces man falls in love easily?
Im libra girl.i met this man 2 weeks ago.he came to me n since that we spent alots of times together.He is the sweetest guy ive ever met..we have very good connection from first time..he treats me so well n makes me feel so special n the luckiest girl in
- Funny or rather Insane things people tried to smuggle through airport security
200 live tarantulas and other creepy crawlies
In 2012, officials at Amsterdam’s Schipol airport found 200 live
- Dumped out of the blue
It seems like Christmas is the time to get dumped - at least this is the second time in a row that it's happening to me. Last year it literally happened on Christmas Eve, when my boyfriend of some 3 months told me he just wasn't ready for a relationship a
- I use a lot of oil in my food
Hi everyone . I m quite limited in my cooking abilities and i fry a lot of dishes that i make. How do i go into making more of healthy style cooking? I mean how do you make healthy food without oil ... i use it to taste good .. i don't want to eat boiled
- Aquarius woman and Scorpio man
What does if mean if a scorpio man is just having a casual sexual relationship with a woman also he explains he will not be the boyfriend type, but later he's telling me how he talks about me to his co-workers?
- help me talk to my taurus
im in a fight with my Taurus
and if i have learned anything is that everytime i have a problem which is choices regarding to me and our relationship he gets super defensive and stubborn.
he bailed on me. he knew i wanted him to be my date to my frie
- What to do when a relationship is going nowhere?
So my Pisces S/O told me about it and it chilled me down to the spine.
While I agree it's kinda a Pisces thing since our goals are unclear especially in our age, I'd like to see what we can do to make this relationship go somewhere.
Like what can we
- Hard aspects in synastry
What kind of hard aspects have you experienced with a partner?
I think for me, moon opposite saturn is one of the toughest aspect.
- Could this be telepathy?
My boyfriend is in the military and he is deployed. We are currently in a LDR. We text back and forth every day until he suddenly disappeared. He has never disappeared for such a long and I got upset. I turned off my phone and used another phone to contac
- Aries Sun in the 11th house - Shining as the #1 in groups
What do you think about this placement?
I have this and personally and 90% of time Im among friends that expect me to lead or to make the 1st move
- So I moved on from Aqua, and he’s NOT happy
As some of you lot may know or don’t know Lol, I have an Aqua friend who we are both interested in each other but for some reason he’s not pursuing anything with me.
He took a girl out on a date and from that day I decided to not wait for him and to j
- Aquarius Guy and staring?
Hi, Im a Scorpio with rising sign Pisces, and i've become interested in an Aquarius guy with rising sign Gemini. The first time we met there was a spark between us and we stared at each other for about 15 seconds before coming back to reality. Long story
- woe is meeeeee.
Well mercury retrograde is destroying my month of December. PLEASE hurry up and be over.
Cap has laid out she likes me, a lot, but not willing to have sex until she figures her life out. I'm friend zoning her, like her enough to keep her around.... if
- Can two aspects become one ?
So I have moon conjunct Neptune making an exact aspect with my Mars square Uranus . Anybody else has exact aspects?