December 13, 2017
December 13, 2017 is a Wednesday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 8.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On December 13
Topics Created On December 13, 2017
- Pisces man is flirtatious?
Is it true?
Bcz i notice he starred at another girl while he was sitying next to me but he acted like i didnt see it n he acted normall at me he still teased me,touched me,kissed me on my lips,gazed on me but how cud he starred at another girl at same ti
- Dxpnet users chit chat over our birth charts!
So hey! I signed up once again cause i am back into astrology haha.My Capricorn stellium probably makes it a bit difficult to stay focused and not doubt it.
Anyway I thought i would create this topic and we share here our birth chart placements we would
- Spankings are Healthy
I know everyone wasn't raised under disciplinary action, I just think relationships work better when y'all agree on certain highly intimate things.. I don't think a whoopin ever really hurt anybody. I find spankin to be intimate. I think I have a great he
im a aries ,,last week i was with him, i spent the night everything was good well i thought so, we had sex & we also talked until the morning. the night day we hung out talked some more, i told him i was ready to leave, he asks me am i leaving so early co
- Cancer appreciation
I'm a Scorpio woman with the sweetest Cancer man. Hasn't been too long but I just want to shoutout the Cancers, alllll Cancers for being the best signs to date especially for us water signs❤️
- Aries Man dating multiple people....
So I had a “what are we talk” with my Aries guy last week. He let me know that though he likes me, but he’s seeing other people and we’re just chillin. I let him know that if that’s the case, we should just reach out to each other when we want to have sex
- Can you be independent in a relationship?
How do people like being in these things? I recently got in a romantic relationship (first one ever) and I don't know if I can handle it when most of me wants to grow on my own. It wasn't supposed to happen but she fell for me and feel bad. This goes wit
- Sags named Briana...
Just how mischevious and into the shock factor are you on a scale of 1 to 10?
Tell me about you when you were kids. What would you have wanted your parents to know and do more of or do better?
All other female Sags welcome, in the unlikely event you
- How Do You Get a Pisces Man Off His Wave
So Pisces guy and I have been official since July. Things are going great. He's still the sweetest thing ever...however, I've noticed that with my Taurus and his Pisces we're stuck in a routine and as peaceful and fulfilling as it is, I would like a littl
- Sweet/innocent looking girls...
I'm interested to hear other everyone's take on this...
For those of us girls who are very innocent and sweet looking - do you find that men or people in general are ultra turned off when you finally have to get mean and stand your ground? I've even he
- How would venuses signs act once they're into someone?
Hypothetically of course, please feel free to share. I've notice that there's a difference between when people are initially crushing on someone than actually developing feelings for them.
- Anyone else have planets that are drunk when born?
So I’m 24 have always had a positive outlook on life, I know what I want, very intelligent, and lucky to be breathing. With that being said, were the astro gods/ planets trolling me when I was born. Am I always destined to feel like I got screwed over a
- Update: Well.. He Came Back
I really don't know how I feel about this. He called me saying he's sorry and all that butter. He sounded really sorry and sincere. BUT then, he starts telling me how in that day that we first met, his ex fiancee contacted him and how he's been talking to
- which sex position ....
I have a gemini friend she is so much into astrology but not deep astrology .
She likes to go for sun sign only. At max moon sign. Well she blames her venus for relationship woes . When she is in generous mood uses her mars. When she feels lonely she
- Woman and peer influence
How much of women's friend's opinion matter in initial stages of relationship , friendship ? I think men have to be likeable to their friends as well ?
- Is it normal for Pisces to copy/imitate others?
I was dating Pisces in 2016 for about 9 months. During the nine months I expressed how much I loved him and wanted 2 make things official but Pisces man kept giving me excuses such as financial stress.. so I cut ties with Pisces man but since I did he’s n
- Happy birthday to me!!
It’s offically my 24th birthday!!
Happy birthday to all my fellow Sagittarius !!
Much love & peace to all 🎂❤️🎈🎈🎈💃🏾🍾🎉.
- Weirdest Beatles Conspiracies of All Time
weirdest Beatles conspiracies of all time
- Anyone else find Leo women argumentative?
I only know two Leo women, I know that's not many, but they are both so argumentative. I cant even wish them a good day without them being offended or something. And most people, if you didn't get along, you wouldn't talk to them. But Leo women seem to
- Aries Men with Virgo moon
What would have helped you out the most in life to learn at an early age?
I have a young son who is an Aries with a Virgo moon and I'm overwhelmed by his existentialism and his penchant for being really hard on himself. He's a total perfectionist which
- Virgo guy
So I’ve met this Virgo guy, we talked for a month before he came from UK. He is studying there, when he come back from UK we met each others. He didn’t sleep at all after he landed, and straight meet me up, and he confessed to me ln the first date, but he
- AstroVids
Post here what you're watching.
Doesn't matter what system of astrology, what placement, what house. Anything astro related will work.
- What is the Karma of ignoring people?
I was ignored by someone when I really wanted to give a good advice at work. I invited her for a coffee (to say it) but she refused. Then I gave it anyway in a written form, but it was soon deleted.
Probably I tried too hard. But she will suffer the c
- Are Gemini Woman so confusing to guys?
I have been told by guys many times that I’m confusing and then I read about gems that they can confuse people at time. Is that really? And what exactly do we do that confuses you?
Please state your sign too😊
- Limerence
I’ve never heard of this.
Article says 5% of the population experiencing limerence.
I am trying to evaluate myself.
Although it can be difficult to objectively evaluate the signs of limerence when you’re in this altered state, Tennov identified the
- why would virgo make slow steps after 3 years????
Hello, so i have been writing here about my past experiences with Virgo who actually turned out to be an a--sshole and a Leo - that actually faded away from my life ( he made me a favour but was very fast and didntw ant to wait started ignoring me later
- I am sorry Pisces
It's official I cannot stand my Pisces cousin and want nothing to do with her
I have to apologize in advance for the negative things I've said about Pisces it's all because of her and the way she is.
I have a cousin who I try to be supportive of b
- Why my cappy ex check out on me even though he already want divorce and already in new relationship
Why my cappy ex check out on me even though he already want divorce and already in new relationship? He already blocked me on WhatsApp and Facebook. Our only communication is through her mother. Suddenly he wants to follow me on instagram. And like my pic