December 14, 2017
December 14, 2017 is a Thursday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 9.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsTopics Created On December 14, 2017
- Sleep robot
- How was 2017?
was it everything you expected? did work go ok? is the love fire? any steamy PMs?
two more years and it's 2020, do u feel good about it?
BTW this is my first account and it turns out I joined this place in 2005. Fak. how da time flies.
- Do I look like Neil Armstrong?
- I am a Pisces who was in a short term relationship with a Scorpio. I want him back....
We were only in a relationship for 2 months. The downside is we would bicker about useless things. He really liked me. Every time we would bicker he would claim "this isn't sustainable" but then never leave. It seemed like manipulation but I don't know. A
- It's changing
The dynamics are changing.
Still haven't slept with each other.
We communicate every day
150+ messages daily.
We see each other...
He is planning a holiday together.
He threw me! He told me about a thought he had a very erotic thought and how I re
- Capricorn man & Pisces woman [Is it really over, even before it started?]
He: Hey. You busy?
Me: Hi im at work cleaning now, was busy
He: Would've done this via phone but i thought you'd be busy.
I feel bad because I know you're trying to grow this relationship and I'm sure sometimes you're frustrated because you don't g
- What Went Wrong Here? (Cancer Men)
Ok, I wonder if I was too forward, or not forward enough, with my cancer man.
We've been taking things slowly (by slowly, I mean no formal relationship yet) for the past 7 months. I'd never been to his place (he moved about a month ago), so when he as
- Can someone read my current placements of my chart ?
- Happy Birthday Hello Saggy!!!!!
Happy Birthday to my BFF, My numero UNO!!!!!! I hope you have a great day with whatever girl gets graced with your fabulous presence today!!! XD
🎶 Cause you're my right hand, you my go to!!! 🎶 @hellosaggy
- All scorpios out there please help!
Ok, so how the heck are we supposed to know if when icing out a scorpio wants to test and be reassured we like you or he's gone forever.
This is like an impossible thing to figure out.
Ive never been that confused in my life before.
Id realllly appr
- Pisces lady - what do u think
I’m a virgo and she’s a Pisces. We met at a work meeting and were immediately attracted to one another. After we initially met, I didn’t reach out to her until like 3 months later lol. When I did she was like “finally”. Hahah. So I’m slow. Anyways. We sta
- Would you consider doing porn
with someone you're attracted to, if they asked?
- Ladies, how many men have you slept with?
A. 5 or less
B. 6 to 10
C. 11 to 20
D. More than 20
E. None (Virgin)
Or you can just mention your specific number. State your age too please.
What's the sluttiest sign here 🙋
*Blowjobs doesn't count.
- Gemini - Cancer Cusp
Inspired by Mariah; Froggy informed me I am compatible (date) this "cusp" sign. I looked it up and this is what I got:
Famous Gemini-Cancer cusps
Nicole Kidman: June 20
Meryl Stre
- Scorpios, which girl would you rather date?
I have this question for Scorpio males.
If you had to choose between these two girls, which one would you prefer to date and have a relationship with. And please say why.
(A) A girl who works but is not very ambitious and is more submissive. She depen
- Cancer Ascendants/Moon
So apparently Saturn is going to be in opposition of our Ascendant/Moon, while it's in Capricorn. Is there something that we should all be worried about?
- Saturn squaring our Sun
How are you all dealing with it?
This transit has been both healing, but also has caused lots of conflicts with some people I care about.
- Stop Liking Her Damn Pictures
Because it works against you. The moment you hit like on her selfie, you are automatically looked at as the rest of the mothafuckers that want to fuck her. No, you are not seeming attentive, you aren't complimenting, and you definitely aren't standing out
- Men’s feelings for exes
Let’s say you’ve been dating for a while. Broke up. You have found that there is no connection.
Both in new relashionships.
Time passed and you meeting her at the supermarket. Small talk about trivial there part of you that triggered sexua