December 17, 2017
December 17, 2017 is a Sunday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 3.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On December 17
Topics Created On December 17, 2017
- Aqua men Gem women
What’s the prediction on this union?
So far it feels like we are twins.
He is a microbiologist very successful and mild and totally like ‘take me’ kind of a man...
Feels like we known each other forever.
Laughs all the way.
Just wondering about what
- Why does my husband criticize and critique my physical appearance?
I am currently 5ft4 and 138 pounds. I was just 156 pounds eight months ago. Growing up and until this day I have always had an extreme big appetite and a fast metabolism. My weight always goes up and down because I struggle with depression and on top of t
- My DXP Avatar is back!
@Teena, can you see the rabbit in my picture???
- Capricorn male behavior
Hi everyone! I have been talking/seeing a Capricorn man now for a few months. I am a Taurus woman. During the first few months of seeing each other we talked almost everyday . He travels for work, so in the rarity he was back home, he would request to see
- What does it mean when someone says you have a distinct look to you?
- why do i still feel bad about thing that happened 2 years ago?
Today I saw a Virgo guy has a new, older girlfriend. She is more mature than me. More serious but also parties with him. The way he parties is not appropriate to me. Its too hard and too much. Maybe for older women its okey.
2.5 years
- How to help a guy friend
A guy friend of mine is going through something. He’s not shaving like he usually does and admits his house is piled with takeout junk and unwashed clothes. He’s the type to hold everything in. I managed to get some information. He said he’s addicted to g
- Livve
Post on Stage or in Studio videos you love.
Post any of your own performances too!
- Is it a Pisces thing to feel sorry for ourselves?
I’m in a situation here where I’m not sure if I’m over reacting but two of my best friends have decided to go partying with one of the girls my ex cheated on me with, at first one of my best friends didn’t know about it so I told her it was okay but I was
- Cancer man rejected...LOL
Is it typical for Cancer who had been told no way!!!
Your loss. Keep picking. I think you’re the one who’s full of shit. Fucking internet. It’s such a cesspool. And I have to say. That this site is full of ugly disgruntled scorn unattractive unwanted
- Name a celebrity who is a poor representation of your zodiac sign
- Told her I like her today. ///UPDATE///
Hey guys,
If you may remember a post I made not that long ago asking for advice on asking my crush/best friend out and telling her my feelings. I am here with the prophesied answer.
She rejected me.
She waited the week to figure out how to let m
I literally put myself in a deep hole....HOW does anyone get out of this! I wish I could hack into the Credit Cards themselves and hit delete!
- why is my Capricorn girl so confusing??
alright guys i am a scorpio male 29 engaged to a capricorn girl 24... we got engaged like this year in march.. everything was going fine she slowly slowly started to open up untill finally after 2 months things started to get worse between us... i dont li
- DXP, DXP-related videos
all the videos I've found in my youtube history
- Dream Home
Post pics or video
- my 12th house has me so fucked up
People describe me as (at first) intimidating, emotionless, cold, hard to approach. When they get to know me they find I'm actually really caring and sensitive. I had to grow up really early, and even now, as someone who is transgender, I'm going through
- Dark (2017) Sf - mystery - time travel
The disappearance of two kids in the German small-town of Winden opens abysses that turn the concept of time on its head. The question is not who has kidnapped the children...but when.
possible one of the