November 10, 2012
November 10, 2012 is a Saturday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 8.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsTopics Created On November 10, 2012
- Poem
My lovely little crab wrote this poem in school, she's so cute and weird and i'm so proud :) The Magic Box I will
- Going through some pretty tough times. Help?
i've always been a quiet, sensitive person (probably from being a scorpio) but over the years as more negative things ha
- How do I know what my sign is?
I was born on March 20th. I identify 100% as a pisces, but how do I know for sure that I am a pisces? And isn't there
- Should I chase this scorpio?
So I'm an aqua and had this great thing going with a scorpio for several weeks. Then out of the blue this week, this sco
- mercury retro vs monstermoon
can mercury retrograde help the relationship start again after broke up during monstermoon that happend october 8? ugh.
- Parents and their natal influence
What are your parents signs? How do you think their signs, placements, characters have influenced you?
- I love this place!
I love you caps!! I've never met such a loyal sign like caps...loyal to their own kind! That's for sure... I can spo
- 3rd house stellium
Just curious, if anyone has this or knows about it, i would love to hear about it Jupiter 25.54 leo Mercury 26.19 R
- had a dream where my uncles weener got bitten off
by a bulldog. lets see you dream weavers decypher that one.
- For A Very Special Surfer Girl
Please don't think that you don't cross my mind, from time to time. And though it was only for a little while, Thoug
- An Affair with Married Aries (DOUBLE TROUBLE)
I would LOVE an Aries opinion on this topic as I am quite confused. I am having an affair with a married aries man. At f
- Gemini woman & Pisces man?
Alright, so I'm a Gemini (sun) and Aries (moon) and he's a Pisces (sun) and Gemini (moon). We've just started our relati
- Let's go Libra
I've seen lot of talk on both libra and leo boards lately about this combo, so I thought I'd share my recent experience