November 19, 2012
November 19, 2012 is a Monday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 8.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On November 19
Topics Created On November 19, 2012
- How do you like your neighbors? ( Zodiac Wheel )
I'm a Virgo, my neighbors are Leo, and Libra. Leo: When I first meet a Leo, their is always laughter for sure. They s
- Play as Virgo in a video game? CHECK THIS OUT
Zodiac Wars, the fighting game Support the project:
- Absolute Must Read!!
- Aries Confused!?!?
im a pisces ... Ive new this aries for about 6yrs now , so by knowing that u can tell we became best of friends .but as
- virgos help a scorpio out please
I am a scorpio male. Very true to my sign. I met a virgo female a month ago. We started talking. All was so amazing. I t
- To write or not to write...
Hi everyone, I'd like your opinion on something that's happening between my Leo and I. I recently ended it with him.
- What's his sign?
Ok, up next in my repertoire of gentlemen from the dating site, is M. M has not made his sign known as of yet. So let's
- Yikes !
Zodiac in degrees 0.00 Sun Scorpio 7.58 Moon Scorpio 6.50 Mercury Scorpio 26.25 Venus Scorpio 19.
- Day 3 without any contact with my crab....
It's been 3 days and I haven't texted, called, or had any FB activity with my cancer. This is just more confirmation pro
- scorpy love fest
being jewish...whenever someone finds out they immediately tell me about all the other jews they know, lol....almost lik
- a little lost.....
Hi I haven't been here in a while because I was happily in love with my taurus it is true what they say about them being
- BeFriending EX
I notice most Gemini (In My Personal Experienced) befriending their ex(es) after breakup. Is there a logical explanation
- Play as Aquarius in a Video Game - CHECK THIS OUT!
Zodiac Wars, the fighting game Support the project:
- Could I pull off cutting off all my hair? Your thoughts?