November 20, 2012
November 20, 2012 is a Tuesday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 9.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On November 20
Topics Created On November 20, 2012
- Libra has me confused, help!
I met this Libra man & we hit it off right away. I did not find him that much attractive but I really liked his personal
- FACT: aquas have no emotions
Its said in all astrology books, i used to disagree with it until it hit me...its true! And im gonna tell u why... Im
- no protection sex
Me and my leo been together for while now and all of the sudden one night he did not pull out .. mind you we dont use pr
- i need help with a chart
my birthday is jan 29 1988 his is aug 15 1981 ... where do we stand
- I know you all are tired of me lol
Good Morning all! I am posting today to inform all those who gave me extremely good advice that I am leaving the young c
I was watching an italian film the other day. (Facing Windows - great film) And I dont usually notice but as soon as I s
- Damn Libras
Gotta love 'em :D
- Aries board is a total snorefest lately
I've been having to hang out on the Leo board and the ascendant and moon sign boards for entertainment. What's up y_?ll?
- Does all your loved ones have to like you?
How do you react if someone you care about is mad at you? Does that line between emotional and physical pain get blurred
- Those more knowlegable than me: CHART help please
I have no clue about charts or other Astro type stuff other than zodiac sun signs. I recently found out how to get my ch
- Shy Pisces? Am I not reading things right?
Okay first off I'm definitely just basing this completely on Sun Sign. I would provide more information if I could! What
- How do you know if he's interested?
I seem to attract Cancer males and I'll be honest - they intrigue me. I find Cancer males to be the sexiest sign, altho
- Play as Aries in a Video Game - CHECK THIS OUT!
Zodiac Wars, the fighting game Support the project:
- My site summarizes readings from ~20 websites
I wanted to share the link to a website that I have built that shows a brief summary of the weekly readings from about 2
- Happy Birthday Kunoichi/Jade/Ninja girl :) :)
All I could remember is that you're a Sag/Scorp cuspy, not the exact date lol but anyway..MANY MANY HAPPY RETURNS IN ADV
- Confessions of a manwhore
I was one before I met Sag, but right now its getting pretty ridiculous, not that its bothering me that much LOL last fr
- need info about spirit lovers
sorry for the randomness,i'm not a very good writer.i have 2 incubus that are attached to me.i know their names and they
- I have a problem with saying no!
I always end up feeling taking advantage of. Especially from my parents. They manipulate me the most and I have the tou
- What to do with a cheating Virgo Boyfriend
Just broke up with my Virgo b/f of 5 years b/c my friend caught him flirting with another girl on fb. And to think he ma
- Things We Learned From DXP
1. If a certain character trait is considered positive and/or impressive, it is attributed to one's (sun) sign. If a cha
- If Caps age backwards, what do Cancers do?
ive wondered this. Capricornesque people age very slowly. your usually more serious in your younger years and ease up as
- That magic sentence...
...or phase that ended/started everything. Hello fellow Aries. I rarely make topics because I am not on here much.
- Pisces Girl Virgo Male Experiances?
Any Pisces girls have or had a Virgo man? I am just starting a newer relashionship with my Virgo man and wondering how t
- Is there such a thing as unrequited love?
I have always thought of love as a game - kind of a mutual give and take between two people and I really never understoo
- single parent dating?
I'm a 23 year old single mother, my son is 5. For the past 3 years I have been single, I've dated a few guys but haven't
- Leos: How hard is it for you to let go?
I'm curious. I have known quite a few Leos and I'm starting to sense a pattern. Curious. How hard is it for you to let g
- Sagittarius men?
When a sagittarius man slips out I love you then covers it up real quick is there be any meaning to it or is it just a
- Do Virgos take advantage of second chances?
If a another sign was cheated on by a Virgo and decided to get back with them, would y'all take advantage of it? Would y