November 13, 2012
November 13, 2012 is a Tuesday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 11.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On November 13
Topics Created On November 13, 2012
- How do you deal with blunt people?
I'm a direct to the point kind of person (Cap ascendent Gemini). 5 minutes ago my close friend (A Gem) called me. I tr
- Cancer Man
I'm a scorpio girl, seeing a cancer man. I'm beginning to think he's actually crazier than me! I went out with a gemi
- So... You killed someone.
This thread starts after the fact. Your survival instincts kicks in and you're now trying to figure out how to get away
- Pisces + Sagittarius
First of all, A Big Fat Fuck You to all of you who disrespect me and talk shit. Just shut your fucking mouth if you a
- over at last.........
......that highly illegal thing with the leo. i got out of it blemish-free and with no risk to my professional reputati
- Please tell me
Can someone tell me which sign is good for aquarius.
- If Texas Secedes....
There is a movement in Texas for seccession from the union. It is highly doubted this movement will succeed, but if Texa
- What's going that a possibly new start?
Hi all, I've opened a thread a month ago and since some things were happening. At the beginning of october I visited
- Week with Marilyn
Title: My Week With Marilyn: not bad actually. A nice insight on Marilyn, a little sad too.
- Today is...
World Kindness Day :) So since this place needs a little love, I'm sending it to you. DXP was a life saver to me when
- Solar Eclipse in Scorpio November 13th 2012
About the Solar Eclipse in Scorpio on November 13th, 2012 A Total Solar Eclipse occurs on November 13th at 5:09 PM E
- Update just for you Wynter ;)
maybe I should have let nature take it's course, let her fuck the other guy, let her fuck away her career ... and then I
- Help me help a friend
My close girlfriend is in pain over something, but isn't ready to talk. She is normally very responsive to my calls/text
- Californication
I frigging LOVE this show! Came across it on Netflix looking for something to watch while bored - fast forward one we
- Flex those muscles ;)
I'm curious which placements give a more protective personality? My cappy man is uber no bullshit kind of man. He does n
- Sag Advice
Is it just me, or do all Sags have an issue with admitting their feelings to someone? Just curious. It really bothers
- Scorpio Male
- Aries females how was a relationship with a Taurus
Taurus guy. I'm 6th April 1990 and he is 25 April 1984 if that makes a difference. Tell me your experiences and i
- Post-Sex Moments -with- or -as- a Scorp
Whether a casual or committed relationship - what have those moments held for you?
- What's for supper?
- Scorpio traits between the two sexes
Seeing as the Scorpio section of the website is very active, I have an interesting subject I would like to discuss. S
- I attract a lot of Libras
Specifically the males. Cusps too. I'm still pretty new to astrology so I don't know how and why this keep happening to
- Help Please Thank You
Do scorpio men opening up to people they don't know or talk about death or think about.The reason i'm asking cuz i meet
- Please tell me How is the SEX with an AQUA MAN?
Tell me how old they were? And how do they approach sex? As friends? In a relationship, did it change or not? And giv
- Gems and ignoring?
Hey Long time lurker here :) Im an Aquarius and have been on a 3 dates with this Gem guy. Every single date has b
- Aries birthday profiles!
If You Were Born Today, March 21: Talented, charming, and likeable, you have such a pleasing manner that you can get ahe
- leo who cant figure out virgo II
hello again fellas !! you Virgos are driving me crazy !! i have wrote before about a story between a Leo and Virgo an
- Naive or Wise
Which zodiac sign do you think are the most naive? 1) In a good way (i.e. innocent and childlike) 2) In a bad way (