November 29, 2012
November 29, 2012 is a Thursday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 9.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On November 29
Topics Created On November 29, 2012
- Cancer 2012 rebirth?
For some reason 2012 has been alot better in terms of my emotional development and security compared to the last few yea
- Why is this cancer man in love with someone else?
Ive spent the last year proving i can be everything he needs. until he met this girl that ended up dating his bestfriend
- What do you believe in?
If you really believe in something you should be willing if necessary to die for it. Do you agree? If you do, then what
- Sag moon dating/friendship experiences
What is your experience with dating a Sag moon person? Can two Sag moons have a lasting relationship? Faithful lovers?
- Love me or love me not.
I'm a Taurus and I dated a Capricorn. We've been going on for 1 year 5 months. He broke off in september over text. He h
- Ladies........ What is Love?
- Natal Chart help
Hi Guys I feel conflicted most the time and sometimes like im from another planet to most people. Surface and non emo
- The wrong Name....
Ladies....have you ever called out the wrong name? Not necessarily during sex but maybe during a casual conversation. W
- How did you do with your 2012 NY Resolution?
Just curious. What was your 2012 New Years Resolution? How long did you keep it? What happened to make you lose it?
- What is your chinese ascendant??? I was born at 3:07 am, so
- Aries sun/Libra moon
To all the aries suns/libra moons.....
- When and Why Do Virgos Blow Up?
When I'm my usual self: relaxed, easy going, calm, mentally preoccupied, I feel like a virgo. I'm all about peace and ha
- virgo man- how to understand
Had great time together, about 3 weeks. He is very caring, nice, funny. We have super understanding of each other, reall
- Hello (smirk-smirk)
I thought I was just screwed up for the heck of it. Although it turns out I??m a Capricorn, a goat with a fish tail prot
- Mars opposite Saturn + BOTH SQUARING A STELLIUM
- Scorpio Woman in pursuit of men
In your experience or observations, would you say Scorpio women go after the man they want? For me, when I find the man
- Bolton Astrological Society Conference 2013
Bolton Astrological Society will hold their annual conference on March 23rd 2013. We are delighted to announce Dr Be
- What's the strangest thing you do for or to your
partner? For example, my gf sometimes tries to get me to pop her zits ... ewwe, no thanks. but then last night we were
- Christmas Tree Theme for Each Sign
Found this on the internet. Describes Christmas tree themes for each zodiac sign. Aries The key colors here are red
- Christmas Trees for each sign
This one is cuter than the other. Found this one here:
- Capricorn ignoring me because I was a bit too emot
Before my cap left to canada 2 days ago I was telling him how much I love him and i'd miss him and I'll be very sad whil
- Astrology Youtube Channel
I thought this was interesting. He has a lot of astrology videos -
- Hello!
It has been quite some time... How are you all doing?
- How to catch the scorpio..
How do you catch a scorpio man or female?