November 22, 2012
November 22, 2012 is a Thursday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 11.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On November 22
Topics Created On November 22, 2012
- Happy Thanksgiving! Share why you are thankful ...
this year. Is it a new love, new addition to the family, new career, new opportunity? ..... Share what you are the most
- why is he not responding?
i'v posted earlier threads about the situation....feel free to read... This guy friend of mine ...who i assumed has l
- why is he not responding?
feel free to read earlier threads about this situation to get more perspective This guy friend of mine ...who i ass
- Taurus Male with Scorpio Female and Virgo Female
So whats the compatibility of Taurus Male with Scorpio Female. And the compatibility of Taurus Male with Virgo Female
- happy.....
thanksgiving day! stuff-your-face-with-pie day!! gobble 'til you wobble day!!! lol! i've been seeing some posting
- Scorpio Energies.
I'm just coming to realise how fundamentally different Scorpio energies are to Cancer energies, which is why i'm making
- Holiday Traditions
So it is Thanksgiving in the US, so it made me wonder... how do you all celebrate the holidays? I know the Canadian Th
- Cancer and Taurus complication.
Let's try get straight to the point, I am A Taurus and my ex now is a cancer. we were both together for 10 months but sh
- Do you sometimes think about old flames?
Me and Gem talked today, and out of the blue he told me he wished he could still talk to this female friend who deleted
- Break up With Cap BF - Will He Come Back?
After pulling through a cancer scare and getting a clean bill of health my Cap bf of 5 months suddenly breaks up with me
- Holidays
So it is Thanksgiving in the US, so it made me wonder... how do you all celebrate the holidays? I know the Canadian Than
- How to think of stuff to talk about everyday?
We are ldr. We send text to each other every day to keep in touch, however, most texts just like what have you had for
- cap boyfriend aloof and selfish?....
I haven't seen my cap bf(he has alot of cap in his chart,venus in cap,sun in cap) in 5 months he seemed like he was happ
- Leo Virgo Friends...a little help understanding
Hey, I'm a virgo male and im looking for a little input on how leos develop friendships. I have a leo male coworker tha
- I can't say your board is the best...
...but it's definitely my favorite. Love all your Scorpionic selves. :) Ok, enough loveydoveyness. Carry on. :)
- gemini placements and/or aspects...
they certainly add a certain je ne sais quoi to one's chart. i think it is very special. it seems that the closest p