November 11, 2012
November 11, 2012 is a Sunday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 9.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On November 11
Topics Created On November 11, 2012
- Aries Pisces cusp
I stumbled onto this site just looking up info on my cusp, march 24th. I guess I want to get to the point and make a th
- How to break it off with a Scorpio?
Hello lovely Scorpios. :) I find you to be an incredible bunch. So here's the deal: I got involved with a Scorp about
- Remembrance day here .
To all the Men and Women who have served in the Military to keep not only us free but who have have given there lives
- BED BUGS :-[ bllaaahhhh!!!
I've done so much research on these little bastards, I feel like I know them so well. Yet, getting rid of them is SO FUC
- hypocondria
i guess it's cos i live in spain that i find myself googling the odd sypmtom from time to time. that's my disclaimer an
- Signs an Aries Is Into U?
So I've been dating an Aries male for about 2 months now. I am 33 and he is 40. I was completely drawn in by his charm a
- How Did You Come Up With Your Username?
Did you put much thought into it? Very little thought? Does it signify something special about yourself or your past? Wh
- On People and Feeeeeelings
How do you handle crowds or social settings? Do you find them energizing? Do they make you uncomfortable? Do you mingle
- Want my cancer man back. Anyhow. Please help! 2
This is a continuation from my previous thread. It has been eight days now. I still miss him every day, every hour.
- ALL Cancer/Leo Cusp .. PLZ STEP FORWARD !!
Hi all, I'm a 25y/o cancer/Leo cusp woman (born 7/22) & i have a few questions for ANY other cancer/Leo's out there.. Do
- Aries no contact when busy
I have been dating an Aries man-boy for about two months now. He has been very good at turning up to dates, keeping m
- Any taurus dating taurus???
Hi all im new here, ive been grazing around and finally decided to join!!! Any who im a bull who has started dating anot
- are aquarius afraid of confrontation
Me and my aqua been dating for a couple months and then got in a relationship he is older than me...everything was great
- Hello Geminis
First I'd like to introduce myself. I'm a Capricorn, ascendent Gemini. My mother is a June Gemini, and my 3 very close f
- aquarius man and virgo female, any chance?
So does anyone have any experience (good?) dating a virgo or what? I must say you Aquarians are an intriguing group to s
- Which horoscope to read for different time zone?
Hey all! So I am an American, but I am currently in China and will be staying for the next few months. China is a day ah
- It's an extroverts world.
Agree or disagree ? I for one agree. I think society doesn't like introverts and extroverts have a high probabili
- libra woman. dropped by virgo man
I've been dating a Virgo boy for almost a year now. He's younger than me and says he loves that I'm older but he's actin
- comfortable silence!
If I could get through life as a mute, I totally would. :) I would love to write letters to people, or just communicate
- VIrgo disappeared on me!
I've been dating a Virgo boy for almost a year now. He's younger than me and says he loves that I'm older but he's actin