December 4, 2012
December 4, 2012 is a Tuesday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 3.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On December 4
Topics Created On December 4, 2012
- Christianity or Islam?
Jesus is the Son of God (a billion Christians can't be wrong!) Jesus is NOT the Son of God (a billion Muslims can't be w
- There's a Beautiful soul amongst us here
And it's his birthday today! Hope you are having a wonderful day BS!
- Astrology has taken over my life at work LOL
In my day to day life I now realize anyone I meet within 20 minutes I am asking for their birthday. I know Sun signs are
- Snooze
I need help. I hit snooze at least 5 times every morning. My alarm clock subtracts a minute everytime I hit it so at fir
- my chart interpretation please!
this is my chart- Zodiac in degrees 0.00 Placidus Orb:0 Sun Cancer 10.56 Ascendant Leo 4.54 Moon Scorpio 16.03
- How about a Board for each planet?
A Venus Board, A Mars Board, A Mercury Board...
- Why be so bitter???
Scorpio Ex Boyfriend is something else. He's mad because I broke thing off when he would not get help drinking. He is a
- Cancer Man Hot and Cold... Why?
I???ve been dating a Cancer man for about three months now. He will be so passionate, sweep me off my feet staying at my
- Crab + X = Love
Now I looked up a little bit on compatibility and I actually see a lot of cancers that are not dating their 'compatible
- The End
Hi Saggs, sad to report that I finally had to break things off with my sagg he just wasn't meeting my needs. I tried to
- Homeland
Brody's wife is a major garden tool. The daughter needs to die. Soon. I've enjoyed Dane's facial expressions
- What do you think about this letter?
I posted here a few times. Cap and Gem. Friends for 8 years, close for a while. Things has been weird lately though a
Is it something you do? Do you visualize when you set goals? Do you make mental images of the achievement of those
- KATE .. expecting a possible GEMINI baby?
Wow ... if Kate might be expecting a possible boy or girl Gemini ... what might we expect from the future Monarchy????
- I usually follow the invisibles
No one sees them or doesn't know what to do with them because they are the outcasts. I would be honored to have a rep
- Virgo girl confusing me
Hey everyone, I'm really confused with this virgo girl so i need some advice. I met this girl on an online dating site.
- Beautiful song.
Love and peace. k