December 28, 2012
December 28, 2012 is a Friday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 9.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On December 28
Topics Created On December 28, 2012
- Aries Old Man
my grandfather is an Aries. a couple years ago he suffered a closed head injury and can't communicate properly. He h
- October 9, 1994 and Bi Polar 1
10/09/94 ~ 10:20 PM Sun Libra Ascendant Gemini Moon Sagittarius Mercury Scorpio Venus Scorpio Mars Leo Ju
- The Gemini Mind...
I was at a party on Wednesday and my ex Gemini who I was with on and off for 6 years was there. I'm now seeing his best
- Does it take a while for Virgo to say the L word
And, does it even matter if he says it when his actions and other words show how much I am cared for? It's been 3 months
- Do you say the L word easily??
I'm wondering about a Virgo man saying I love you. He hasn't said it yet but has thrown the word around (ie. his typic
- Cancer Lesbian and Aries Lesbian.
This cancer female and I have known each other for about 6 years now. When we first met she was working at this bar my g
- Leo and Scorpio
Hey lovlies! I am back. And I have good news. Things have been going great with Scorp and we are over a year strong.
- Taurus women, leo men experiences?
Hi all, Im in a relationship like this and have been for almost a year now. I know that the charts say that were not
- Aries and being a loner
I am pretty much a loner type, although I have a few life long friends, I really enjoy the quiet of my own mind and spir
- will scorps ever tell you how they feel about you?
When we first started chatting and hooking up he was in the fwb part of my brain. I'd msg him for some dirty talk or w
- Drinking Styles of the Zodiac
This kind of stuff is fun for me, so here goes: AR
- Recognizing Signs at a Party
This one was pretty cute, too. A
- Another Party Scenario
One more: Aries: bull in a chi
- Drink Choices by Zodiac
Yes, I'm bored! lol! Aries Ever mindful o
- Drink Choices & Effects by Zodiac
Yes, I'm bored! lol! Aries Ever mindful of
- Leo / Virgo Career choices
I'm interested in hearing the career choices that other Leo/virgo cuspers have chosen. I'm in journalism and slowly merg
- Past life lovers
So, my wife and myself went to a Psychic a couple weeks back. She did numerology for us and told me that we knew each in
- Taurus bored easily ?
When I'm about to start a relationship, I get bored easily and disappear for sometime and then I try again. Are you guy
- Cloud Atlas: Tom Hanks
Made me cry so much. Beautiful artistic film; philosophical, moving, deep.
- Chasing a Taurus
Do taurus male enjoy being chased? Do they just want to know your interest so they can make a move?
- Lost Art of Smelling Good?
This is something that I've noticed over the past few years. I was taught that a man should always smell nice. Of course
- I need advice on this Libra Female badly. :(
ok so i have a limited amout I can type. me and a Libra have been in a relationship for little over a year. we love ea
- Sagittarius and oral sex
I've been seeing a sag man an everytime we have sex he performs oral sex on me. Everytime. I have read about sags and th
- I guess disappearing acts are really common..
Especially when it comes to leos. I have no idea why but for some reason that's just what I feel like doing right about
- In need of a capricorn womans opinion!
I am a Leo woman that started seeing a cappy girl about 2 months ago. Everything was going great, we really fell for ea
- Need mdulti-board input
I'm not sure which is this dudes placement is giving me he trouble, so I'm posting here cus scorpios are the bomb with i
- ?
How do you find your moon sign??