December 17, 2012
December 17, 2012 is a Monday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 7.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On December 17
Topics Created On December 17, 2012
- Very confused by a Cancer man
I have come to this forum to learn more about cancer men. This is my first time dating one. To give some background info
what is your input on the overly exposed act of sex and what it used to mean to you when it was sacred??
- Scorpio and Saggitarius-what do stars tell?
Hi; Im kinda new to that and I really hope someone could help me. I know a lot about these two signs in general,but
- compatible
Just out of interest, are Taurus(m) and Libra(f) compatible. ts more out of interest rather than im dating this guy. He
- Perfume:
The Story of a Murderer (of obsession)
- individual or group...?
i was having one of my rapid thoughts sessions this morning and had to pause... i know that there are societal groups,
- Pisces man
Never been with one and dont know much about Pisces in general. Had a female fried whom I regarded as too naive. Ther
- I've met a Scorpio who doesn't add up to one
So initially I was hesitant to go out with Scorpio guy. I am a Gemini, born in the cusp of Taurus, with moon in Taurus.
- need help with a Virgo man please!
I met a Virgo man a few months ago and we mutually flirted around until I (I'm a Taurus by the way) asked him to hang ou
- is every fish a nightowl?
even neptunian people seem to be night owls. why is that?
- Funny Zodiac Descriptions Aries Aries have ramlike eyebrows and smug expressions. T
- After Sex Comments by Zodiac
If this has already been posted, forgive me. These are hilarious though!