December 8, 2012
December 8, 2012 is a Saturday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 7.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On December 8
Topics Created On December 8, 2012
- Advice from any virgo females
Hello all virgo ladies, I am a leo dating a virgo, 4 yrs and counting,....I am loyal to her, try to be patient but ye
- How does an Aqua behave if a girl acts fickle? :(
I really need some insight here. I am feeling awful. Its one thing to feel bad because u feel offended by someone, but i
- This is for know who ;)
- Pisces + Capricorn =??? hmmmm.... you tell me.....
Is this really a good combination? Anyone had any relationships good or bad? Thought I would stirred the pot a little
- Any Cancer had their buttons pushed this week?
Was having a great last two weeks until someone roused me up at a work event and I went into Crab attack mode on the per
- Hi.... newbie here!
Hiya... Stumbled across this website when i googled about passive-aggressive pisces. And I've been lurking here, m
- curious ? about our younger looks.
i was sitting here thinking about some article i read about ppl who have younger looking skin have a certain skin type.
- Why no instant messenger?
SINCE, this is a astrology site.... are we here only to talk on the educational aspects of astrology.... We are all se
- Virgo & Capricorn....ANY ADVICE?
Hi, Im a Virgo and for the first time I can say I not only love someone but I am in love with them. I know this guy for
- Being the voice of reason has its downfall
Sometimes being the voice of reason has it downfall. Being the one to rationalize i.e situations,statements ,problems
- Please help again Leos...with FWB issue
In the beginning of my friendship with benefits with the Leo I just called things off with today, I said to him I wanted
- Scorpio women.. what would you do if...
A guy kinda jokingly maybe not so jokingly say I put up with so much with you, I am writing down all the thank yous he
- Virgo male thoughts... he said this to me..
We're having a normal conversation, he called me to wake me up and we had some small talk about the weather and did the
- Chart help
I know I've posted here a million times before, but never really asked for chart help, wanna give it a shot? His; Su
- 2nd decan Virgo horoscope....
- 2nd decan horoscope
Hi all, do any of you know where I could find a 2nd decan Virgo horoscope. That is all thanks
- What do I do with this Capricorn man?
Hello am new to this forum and kinda feel like my user name over this Capricorn man am currently involved with.I recentl
- The Hangover Thread
Post here if you are hungover :/
- How do you know when your in love ?
Had a seemingly random conversation with a my gemini best friend regarding this. which lead to her breaking up with her
I'm just fanning through the Scorpionic mist.. trying to weather the mood swings of my scorp. Dear Scorp, Yes, I ge
- my fellow cancer guys!!!
do u talk to yourself and stay in an idealized land of yours in your head..dreaming sometimes...acting as if you are the
- Happy Happy Joy Joy
It's my birthday! :) Got my beer, food and waiting on the friends so we can chill, eat, be merry and listen to some tune
- Fellow Libras....What signs do you love?
What sign have you fallen for? In your opinion what sign is a good long term/marriage match for a Libra? I keep seein
- What is the deal with tattoos?
I've never gotten one because I know down the line... IN the future I will not want the damn thing anymore due to it fad
- Tell me about this person....
I would like to know what to expect from this person.... Sun - Leo Moon - Aries Mercury- Can
- Tell me about this person please...
I would like to know what to expect from this person... please and thank you... Sun - Leo Moon - Aries Mercury- C
- Pisces girl/Virgo man ....any hope here?
anyone has any input?.... we are supposedly opposites that attract....any experiences you guys have to share??... very c
- Virgoes and divorce
How do virgoes handle divorce. My knowledge of two divorced virgoes is they tend to take it rather hard. Any insights?
- The Crown Prince