Aqua Pisces - optimistic pessimism? Any other Aqua Pisces out there feel even when we really want to be positive there's just that lingering thought things
An Evolved Saggitarius Male I''ll keep it simple. What is an evolved Sag man? How would you describe him and what are your thoughts?
Angry at people not letting you care. So well this is a strange disagreement! All this on christmas too! It was like a neverending argument about how I won't
SCORPIOS AND SHOES I think that most of the Scorps I know love love love shoes...what's with the obsession with shoes? Ok Scorps, is it
No Contact During Taurus Retreat? I am just starting to figure out Taurus (its only taken a decade)and I want to make sure that I don't misstep. I get
Wayword Thoughts I noticed yall don't have a thread for just some random thoughts, observations or off the cuff remarks. So, Merry Christ