December 23, 2012
December 23, 2012 is a Sunday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 4.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsTopics Created On December 23, 2012
- Do you guys hate eachother??
I havnt came across mamy taurus's but recently stumbled across a weird situation where there is a whole kitchen full of
- Do you fall in love easily Caps?
Hey there! I am a cappy myself but I seem to fall easily.. Is this normal with the other caps?
- Homemade whatnot
Okay yeah I don't mean to overload the Aqua board but I thought in the holiday season, it was a post that could stand al
- People are whacked!
The moon is in Taurus and people on the boards (well, a few anyway, I haven't perused them all) seem to all be going wha
- am i the only cancer who feels this way
My worries over petty stuff causes me to stress & overthink EVERYTHING!!! Sometimes causing a panick attack Smh.. I str
- Virgo virgins help me understand you all_??_
bulls are constantly viewed as being tenacious but currently I'm feeling immune to manipulation. I usually give ppl a fa
- Virgo virgins help me understand you all _??_
bulls are constantly viewed as being tenacious but currently I'm feeling immune to manipulation. I usually give ppl a fa
- Help with capricorn guy
Hi! I have been chatting with this capricorn guy on Facebook for nearly 2 months before we met in real life for about a
- Toxic Friendships
I have this 'frenemy' that has over the past year become more & more mean-spirited. There were some early signs, but I
- Merry Christmas Everyone...
I hope Santa is good to all of you!
- Decipher please
Hi there. It's been a long time since I have been here. I've been dating a Gemini for the last year. Things are going gr
- Decipher please
Hi there. It's been a long time since I have been here. I've been dating a Gemini for the last year. Things are going gr
- Decipher please
Hi there. It's been a long time since I have been here. I've been dating a Gemini for the last year. Things are going gr
- 2 things...
1) I have been close friends with an Aqua guy for over 15 years. To say the least, I love him like a family member. I'
- happy holidays
i'm sorry... i don't mean to post a seperate thread, but i'm not allowed to post in the one originally made... even tho
- Hunger Games... Katniss is a Taurus ; Gale is...
Virgo and Peeta is a Libra with Scorpio influences.... According to the book Katniss is a May Taurus so the signs i p
- What are your opinions certain moon signs?
Greetings! Please list your moon sign and views of certain moon signs :) Which moon signs do you get along with? Which m