December 10, 2012
December 10, 2012 is a Monday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 9.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On December 10
Topics Created On December 10, 2012
- Help I'm so confused by my leo man
I'm am madly, truly, and deeply in love with a Leo man. I'm so confused by him. To make a very long story short, I met
- Indigo chat
I seem to have met a few Indigo kids on DXP, thought this would be a nice place for us to discuss ideas, what we're feel
- Scorpio Women-- A Challenge??
Hello to all my wonderful SCORPs. I read this statement in another forum: Ive always envied scorpio girls for be
- A libra Man and a Capricorn
i used to meet this libra almost every week over a period of 6-8 monthe. we would make out everytime we meet. on 3 diffe
- Cancer & Jealousy.
How jealous are you ? or how jealous can you get ? grade it from 1 to 10. 1 being entirely blas_?, 10 being psychotic
- parting on a better note
there must have been some resolution over the weekend. she had a really rough Sat. (broke, discouraged, depressed, and
- Please, help!
My webpages are all showing up mini. How do I zoom on a laptop? I can barely see the words.
- House 5
Saturn, Mercury, Sun and Pluto here. All in Scorpio. Anyone else like this? Read a description on Astrology Blog... Seem
- scorpio and insulting (aspersion)
I have friend scorpio man. Sometimes he says mean things about my look (my hair, my body). Then I say something back. Th
- help!?!
I was dating a scorpio guy and I feel really hard for him and he did too. Saturday he was supposed to come over after h
- Nefer's Posts
Hi Mr.DXP, I alluded to this request here: As
- I like the block feature ......
... now there's a whole fucking thread addressing the issue, and the thread is made by my own tone, from my own perspec
- Trying to find love
Hi, Can someone help me here ? I am a Scorpio woman and have been trying to get into a long term relationship since
- Do I reach out?
I'm on the cusp of reaching out to this Scorpio I met two months ago. We met through a friend and had an instant connec
- I belong to the church of LOVE
It is the temple inside of me. For, oblivion resides outside of it. There, all things are.
- Music for Aquarius
Smoky Robinson (Aquarius/ Cancer moon, taurus mars, venus aries, pisces merc) People say I'm the life of the party
- Are Pisces girls usually the jealous type?
Alright so I am a Pisces girl myself but I'm just wondering, do any of you other ladies of the sea get a tad jealous? No
- Confused confusion confuses the confusing
How many topics on the current 1st page DXP Leo forum have some form/synonym of 'confuse' in the title? Or even e
- Aquarius people?
your personal experience with them? and do you like or hate them?
- Is he a committed cancer?
Sun Cancer 28.55 Moon Scorpio 13.21 Mercury Cancer 15.16 R Venus Gemini 19.46 Mars Libra 6.09 Jupit
- The Epic Odyssey!
We sail!!! A epic journey awaits!
- help!! break up with cancer n leo
i just broke up with my gf we have been fighting alot, have been away from each other for about 3 weeks, and im going th