March 4, 2017
March 4, 2017 is a Saturday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 8.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On March 4
Topics Created On March 4, 2017
- scorpio moons
this is a list of famous people with scorpion moons :D
Jennifer Lopez
Kat Perry
Lady Gaga
Miley Cyrus
Mariah Carey
Bruce Lee
Bob Marley
Will Smith
Avril Lavigne
Nelson Mandela
Mark Zuckerberg
Kylie Jenner
Zinedine Zidane
Snoop Dog
- Sag woman & Cancer man
What could draw a cancer man to sag woman? I have this guy in my class from his physical appearance I guessed he is a cancer sun. He kept looking from across the room and looked away when I look back at him. Act shy around me, and do little things that ca
- Does anyone watch The Vampire Diaries?
Tvd fans here? If so who is your favorite couple? Your fav character? Best vilain? ?
- Libra woman with cancer man
Is it really impossible?
- Aquarius Man - Cancer Woman: What does disappearing act signal, Why does he do it?
I am new here - please bear with me.
So I met this Aqua guy a little over two years ago. I was completely in awe with his beauty and intelligence to match - those eyes and dimples took me down with one shot. We met at an event and then worked together
- lets talk about pisces mooners
Those born with a Pisces Moon will often have strong psychic abilities. They find it easy to walk a mile in someone else’s shoes and are amazingly compassionate and full of love. Unfortunately, this capacity also makes it easy for them to lose themselves
- Husband killed his 4 children in front of his wife
I wonder how this bastard chart looks, and I hate the fact that he came off as "nonchalant."
- True Crime Story, OJ Simpson
there's a NEW true crime story on OJ Simpson, 2016, starring Cuba Gooding Jr. as OJ Simpson. He portrays really well the emotional man, screaming and yelling only in front of people who he was close to.
and acted very nice and polite to strangers.
- Difference between opposite sign and sextiles
What is the difference between the influence of your opposite sun/moon and the sextile sun/moon??
Sextiles and Oppositions are complementary, involves lots of give and take, so what's the difference, atleast in your experience??
- Inspire your moon thread
There is too much negativity on DXP! Post something that inspires you!
- What do I want?
I was just talking to my Scorp about what happened in his daily life when he said all this routine is just getting him.
I said wait...all this stuff you doing daily for everybody unable to relax...and he said what's for right?
I said no! We know what's
- How can I appreciate and accept my moon in scorpio?
I am a young Taurus female (18) with moon in Scorpio and Sagittarius rising who is just trying to understand myself. From my title you can tell I have trouble with my moon sign scorpio. Really I don't know how to control my emotions. Its all over the plac
- make it funny, make it sassy or sweet but gimme an idea of what this person might be like!
- Venus retrograde 2017 will last from March 4 to April 15
who can tell us more about it??
- signs horoscope MARCH 2017
this girl is amazing! my reading is always spot on i wanted to share everyone else's horoscope
- Heartbroken Scorpio woman ignored by a Gemini man
It started in 2016, the gemini guy whom I am mutual friends with started hitting on me. He made sure to be in contact with me and he was disclosing many of his interests. He used to take me to places and fancy dinners. It clearly showed up that he was so
- Sag girl and Leo man
I had a profile on where my leo guy first showed interest, he then found me on Facebook and friend requested me. We started talking there which lead to texting. We hung out a couple times also meeting 1 of 3 of his kids and he met mine. A week
- 3-Day Novena Prayer to the Holy Spirit
PRAYER TO THE HOLY SPIRIT (Pray for 3 days or 3 hours straight)
Holy Spirit, You who make me see everything and showed me the way to reach my ideals, You who gave me the divine gift to forgive and forget the wrong that is done to me and You who are in
- When you apply makeup
What do you like to achieve when you're beating your mug?
What do you tweak, conceal and emphasise when you're slapping a face on?
As a guy I like to look handsome, I don't wear much makeup when I go to work I just wear mac concealer under my eyes
- Capricorn, What are your favorite moves in the bedroom?
What moves get you turned on the most? Or even things that happen outside the bedroom?
I am most curious to hear about what gets your juices flowing leading up to the act. Not so much the act itself.
- Gems
whats yall plans for your birthdays when it comes? and since its obvious I couldn't wait till Gemini season to come so I post early. and plus I might not be here on this site when Gemini season arrive.
me I'll start first. I plan on doing nothing real
- What can make him stop ?
Yes i was on here before about a leeb man stalker his moon is an aries. He got most of libra in his charts. I been getting messages off insta from him for a week off and on. We stop contact. I will get a message i see it's his name then he will delete it
- Do Scorpio men care about appearance?
Of the woman?
Does not make any difference what she is wearing?
If she has makeup?
Her hair?
Is there anything you men find wow factor and meh factor?
- Venus retrograde is here - a survival thread
A follow-up on the 'Venus retro is coming' thread for all those affected by her reflecting mood.
Are any you experiences some tough self-realization these days? How are you dealing with them? I think I'm in need of this retrograde to put things in per
- Fear factor show
- Taurus: does physicality equal love to them?
So, I'm fooling around with a Taurus. Usually I'm pretty shy and he just goes with it, so we don't get too far. But we went farther last night it that it "drove him wild." Mind you, I already looked up his bday stats so I knew what he has. He didn't want
- Do female water signs hate us?
Do females from other water signs hate pisces females?
Everytime i find a girl that hates me for no reason i always end up finding out through mutual friends that they are a water sign ,do any of you female pisces get that negative vibe from them?
- This sounds interesting ...
Okay so.
I have taken an interest in Astrology and discovered this site only recently and if you guys do not mind, I'd like for you to tell me what you think all my astrological details say about my personality.
(ik environmental factors matter as wel
- Are Libras awkward when it comes to having a crush?
I first met this particular Libra on campus through a mutual group of friends. I never noticed him until i noticed he would often stare at me. It was like he was observing me studying my every mood. When i ever i stared back he would fall aloof. He would