March 23, 2017
March 23, 2017 is a Thursday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 9.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On March 23
Topics Created On March 23, 2017
- Happy Birthday rockyroadicecream
- Who's your celebrity crush?
Bonner Bolter is mine!♥️♥️
A cowboy who can dance! Dreamy!
- What sign do you imagine to say something like...
" Never worry too much about life and don't try to get back "
- Message boards in general.
Ya know, a majority of the 5 years I've been on here I've been a lurker. Just really to try and gain more knowledge of astrology. I didn't necessarily understand the appeal of talking to strangers, trolls etc! However, I get it now. It's fun and interesti
- Sun cancer moon aries
Has anyone dated a cancer sun with aries moon?
And what is there best match?
- Dominatrix
Anybody ever tried this Dominatrix thing?
- what are you opinion's
What are your opinions on YouTubers?
Do you think I should start making YouTube Video's?
And if yes, Then Can you give me ideas on what to make video's about?
I'm thinking of doing some on horoscopes.
Can you guys give me tips on how to make a YouTub
- Cardinal and Fixed couple
How do you Taurus feel about Libras? Or any other Cardinal sign? (Aries, Cancer, Capricorn)
- when your mum disagrees with you on FB
I've been in a relationship for about 3 months now with my boyfriend(the Leo) I've known him for 8 years. I recently found some dating apps on his phone and he seems to message people but I feel like he's doing it for attention. I am a Pisces woman... I w
- I'm back you evil Scorpios
I've been enjoying life the way a man should I no longer work with any Scorpio woman that makes me happier than a pig in sh*t.
The one I was in a relationship I never want to see her again, I did a lot of researching and talking to people that know, h
- Post-rock music thread
Anyone is listening to any post-rock?
Please kindly share, old and new, not an issue.
Would like to know your song selections :)
I'll start:
- Totally at peace with my Cap ex...finally
We had a turbulent relationship, it was passionate, possessive, jealous, all the bad stuff in there. I knew from the beginning he wasnt the one and treated him like so-karma soon caught up with me and fucked me up on a grand scale. 5 years later I got out
- Dreamed that everybody cursed the sun..
....don't remember exactly how the dream started, but the sun consciously, voluntarily left.... We all panicked...then we realised it was hiding behind the moon, it couldnt leave, but it tried to trick us...
They don't have that in the dream interp
- Chiron in the 12th house
Does anyone have this placement and if so, how do you think it has affected you, now and in the past?
- Pisces girl and libra man
Im confused with a libra guy in my life, at first everything was great, but now he seems to be very indecisive, doesnt seem to want to commit to anything, only talks to me when he wants something! told me several times that its over, even though he then s
- complex emotion of women scorpio
have you ever spend long time to just recognize that you love person who you think that you did not love before?
- Words Left Unsaid?
If you could say that one thing, that one perfect last line to that one person who you don't talk to anymore, what would it be? Maybe they broke your heart? Maybe they ghosted? Maybe they are no longer in this world? Maybe nothing ever happened but you wi
- I'd like to have a thread removed.
wish it's possible.
- Can't get Virgo Woman off my mind.... FUCK.
She's super cute, she's mysterious, she's funny and I haven't crushed on a girl like this since I was in like Middle School. I moved to California a few months ago and to start my new job, and she was the first person that I noticed... she really got my a
- cancer and leo
Im a cancer male shes a female leo
Im not the typical cancer i have a lot of air in my chart.
Anyway do leo girl use guys for comfort after a break up and not honest? I hate having doubt so i told her dont fucking play me cause u just got out an abu
- Worst hangover of my life
I don't know what the fuck is wrong with me, its day 3 and I feel like I've been hit by a bus, I can barely walk or move and I feel like shit! I want to die but I still managed to drag myself to my dresser to do my makeup to make myself feel better.
Is t
- What did "Finbuff"/Fun4Life do for everyone to call him a pedophile?
Please clarify.
- @FknNerd
It seems that other people calling me intelligent really bothers you. I would like your exceptionally intelligent self to explain why that is. With the help of your era-defining genius, I hope we manage to work through our issues. The main reason I create
- Cap guy hiding me from social media
I tagged him in a post and he went an hiding all of his tag photos. I noticed and called him out on it and let him know this feels awful and I can't go to this trip.
He called me within 15 mins from overseas to apologize saying he should have tell me
- @starwars
- Being Mushy?
Kind of the same as the compliment question....does it bother Caps when their partner is being mushy or sentimental?
I know he isn't quite comfortable with sweeping gestures or his own displays of emotion....I wonder if mine make him uncomfortable too
- Which signs have you dated and what was good or bad about them
Hey just for a bit of fun I thought I would start a thread.
So I would like to know as Leo which signs have you dated and out of those signs which would did you have a better relationship with.
I will start
Relationship 1 - Virgo - Lasted 2 ye
- LOL at this circlejerk of a forum
Absolute waste of time and full of vile hypocritical etards. Bye
Had account for near ten (10) days, no post show? Seems unfare?
Other ones have had account for a day and post be showing? How come that be?
- Venus in Sagittarius
Ay Caramba!
- Tauruses love to travel!
Well me at least lol. I love to travel when I get the chance. Preferably a place with a beautiful clean beach. Tropical sounds nice right about now :)
How about you? What states or countries are you dying to travel to?
- Dry food for cats
What dry food do you buy for your fur baby? Why do you recommend it? Thinking of changing it up for my fur babies
Is there an app for this website? If not that would be cool to have a app :)
- Too much drinking?
How much is too much? I prefer a glass or 2 of wine with dinner each day and a rowdy night on the weekend. That's me settled down as I used to be a rowdy.
Now, my gem doesn't really drink, and brought to my attention how much I do. I've thought nothin
- a charaster issues
i am sun in aries, asc in leo, moon in capricorn, mars and venus in aquarius.
a fewme weks ago i posted a thread telling about judging me by my appearance. i was thinking i was not feminine enough for men or i was awkward.
but i think its
- Interested in your opinions on this... vent post.
Most of you know my situation with the Scorp, which has been going on for far too long... *sigh*
My question is, if you knew that someone was constantly texting or calling you, would you go back to the person they've been dating and now confirmed that
- Does Moon in Pisces match Moon in Aqua?
im just afraid he'd be cold to me since i read moon in aqua is rather ... emotionless or not as touchy-feely as moon in pisces.
Sun Pisces
Moon Aquarius
Mercury Aquarius
Venus Capricorn
Mars Capricorn
Sun Taurus
Moon Pi
- Scorpio Bosses (Leave Experiences Here)
Outside of the personal bond you may have achieved, what is your expereince working for a scorp?
I work for one, despite our ability to have a great friendship at work, its almost impossible to please her and fulfill her expectations, especially when her
- I've met exactly eight Scorpios in just this week alone
I don't usually follow astrology but what's their attraction to me and why do I keep meeting all of these Scorpios? I've read that they're supposed to be generally suspicious of new people and not easily approachable or outgoing in their personality but t
- Super sonic Super chronic
Facts! They say if you smoke marijuana you get more ass and pussy.
- Venus/Venus, Mars/Mars Compatibilities
Hey there, folks! ^^ I had a question regarding the relationship regarding two people's Venus and Mars signs. I understand for the most part, a boy's Mars and a girl's Venus are the primary factors of one's love life, and of course vice versa. My question
- Here is why everyone should have an Aries in their life... <3
Happy Aries season to all the fabulous bold Aries out there. Enjoy your moment!
- When Scorpio Moons fight...
I'm a Scorpio moon and I have a few in my life, probably because awesome attracts awesome... ?? just kidding, anyway, I'm noticing when we argue/fight, we are experts at mirroring each other, like crazy good... So someone has to be the grown-up and break