March 31, 2017
March 31, 2017 is a Friday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 8.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On March 31
Topics Created On March 31, 2017
- Compatibility Calculators - Ummm
So the research I've done on my Aqua guy and I (Virgo) have been great on the levels of Moon, Venus and Mars... but when I do the free compatibility calculators at various sites, it basically only asks for birth date on each individual. The calculator res
- Streets Of Legazpi, The Opera
a modern Musical Opera by firebunny
performances by Firebunny, teena, seraphcuteness and ands
Lyrics by Firebuny, Tiziani, various others
Libretto by hydorah
- DXP Survivor
If you were the casting director of Survivor, which DXPers would you cast on the show?
Timbira Tribe
Casaya Tribe
- Give me a few reasons why you will be a great partner, husband, boyfriend?
Apart from the intensity and all the heavy stuff that comes with dating a Scorpio, what are the main amazing things you offer to your partner?
- Why do girls check guys phones?
Why do you all do that shit?
- I made a place where we all can talk.
I worked on this project all day. I soo excited about. I made a horoscope discord and everything. even a fortune telling thingy. Now we can all talk to each other. please check it out. Some of my gamer friends are now starting to join to.
- Labels
I was having a convo with my girl, I sent her something one of my friends posted on FB about how some woman who say they're a feminist complain about how men persecute & judge them then turn around & judge another woman about something .. I see it & hear
- Decoding need or Nah?
OK, so I think my Taurus has calmed down a bit. We talked yesterday as I was in a bit of a bad way and needed some advice about a work situation. I trust his advice above anyone else's. So, I bit the bullet and called him, I actually thought he would ig
- Come talk with us.
I worked on this project all day. I soo excited about. I made a horoscope discord and everything. even a fortune telling thingy. Now we can all talk to each other. please check it out. Some of my gamer friends are now starting to join to.
- Taurus no show
How honest can you be with a Taurus man. I feel like he has made up his mind about me without really getting to know me. That seems so unfair. I don't understand why he is so quick and judging me after just spending a few nights on the phone and one casua
- Android or Iphone
Which one do you guys have?
I need a new phone, thinking of getting an android
Any recommendations?
- SPLIT is about the young girl's psyche, the whole thing is a DESCRIPTION of what's happening in
her mind. We open with a father and her daughter talking about the "weird kid" that gets a lot of detention, we're talking dad issues, parental divorce, her psyche was under such an attack that it "broke into pieces".
The man arriving at the car to abduc
- I feel sad right now.
Since yesterday, I've been sad. I don't know what's giving me melancholy. But probably being unable to finish my work due to the sports events. I also think I've let my boss down. Although she's not showing it, I feel like I've let her down. She's very ni
- Taurus man cut me off and moved on?
I've been with my Taurus for 8 months. A week ago I started sensing this new "I don't care" type of attitude he had. I yelled at my Taurus man over some health issues he was creating for me and I broke up with him. Then later on that day when I calmed dow
- getmisted should be banned
i always see his name up here but i don't remember him saying anything at all. looks like he's the most useless dxper ever.
- Stellium in Capricorn 1st house - What does it mean?
Mercury, Mars, Uranus, Neptune, North Node and Ceres there.
Sun and Lilith in Cap too but in the 2nd house.
Earth Grand Trine with the 1st, 6th and 10th house.
- Help I don't want to loose my Taurus man!
Ok so long story short I was married to an abusive man for 10 years, I finally left him and then met this incredible Taurus man. I told him everything that happened in my past and said I have trust issues. He has helped me work through that and the past 7
- Rate the Signs!
Alright ladies. Which signs would you place where? Answer some of them or all of them, whatever works for you. You don't need to have personal experiences with each sign to answer, since you can make assumptions.
Best Kisser?
Best Provider?
Most Sens
- Is there a forum here where you can find potential mates?
I've been here since 2013. No success yet. @_@
- 1%
What do you think a person is talking about when they say they are looking for that 1%?
- Help Pisces Female - Taurus Male
I's a Pisces female and I am "beginning" to fall for a Taurus male. I put beginning in quotes because every time I feel like I'm falling for him and say sweet things to him he pulls away from me even though in the beginning of the relationship he was all
- Progressed moon falls into your natal moon
Does this mean you are starting over emotionally? How you internalize things?
- HELP: Pisces Female - Taurus Male
I'm a Pisces female and I am "beginning" to fall for a Taurus male. I put beginning in quotes because every time I feel like I'm falling for him and say sweet things to him he pulls away from me even though in the beginning of the relationship he was all
- When in the DATING phase
When you're in the dating phase, do you date multiple people or stick to that one person you're talking to?
Also is it considered bad to be dating multiple people?
I'm talking about dating (not being in a relationship)
- Aquarius guys
Just wondering if anyone has any idea about this. I'm a cappy to start with my new bf is an Aquarius. He has been extremly clingy wanting to see me everyday and calls and texts all the time which I don't mind but I feel it's moving too quick. I've dated a
- strength guidance please read
me 07 june 1991 time 16:20pm country Netherlands city emeeloord
husband 5 December 1991 time 18:00pm country south africa city durban
having hard time with studies in university am going through allot of stress i want to get my life in order.
- strength and guidance please read
me 07 june 1991 time 16:20pm country Netherlands city emeeloord
husband 5 December 1991 time 18:00pm country south africa city durban
having hard time with studies in university am going through allot of stress i want to get my life in order.
- Noncommittal but jealous/possessive Pisces
So I've been 'dating' my Pisces best friend for the past couple of months. Having been friends with him for so long, I've always known him to be the 'hit-it-and-quit-it' type of guy. Incredibly charming, respectful, and polite to women, but is just looki
- What should I do next with this cancer man?
I met this guy on holiday this week. We were only able to spend a day together but I immediately felt connected to him. He also seemed to feel the same because he was on cloud 9. He just looked so happy.
Anyway I live in America and he is in the U.K. W
- Im a Virgo ( Aug 29th - 1st Decan) and dating a Cancer (June 24 - 1st Decan)
I'm a Virgo (Aug 29th - 1st Decan) and dating a Cancer (June 24 - 1st Decan)
Does this compatibility work?
- Help! Pisces Female - Taurus Male
I'm a Pisces female and I am "beginning" to fall for a Taurus male. I put beginning in quotes because every time I feel like I'm falling for him and say sweet things to him he pulls away from me even though in the beginning of the relationship he was all
- Libra Male in Love
I am a libra female and I am dating a libra male. How do I know that he really likes me? What will he do to show it?
Libra Sun
Pisces Moon
Aquarius Rising
Libra Sun
Sagittarius Moon
Capricorn Rising
- Father, I killed my monkey
I don't know you that well
Haven't done love for you that well
You have been swimming alone, haven't you?
In the ocean I will never enter
I see you
By God. Holding onto something.
Trying to make a deal to buy your way to hea
- How do I know I am special to my Libra boyfriend?
I am a libra female and I am dating a libra male. How do I know that he really likes me? What will he do to show it?
Libra Sun
Pisces Moon
Aquarius Rising
Libra Sun
Sagittarius Moon
Capricorn Rising
- Pisces arguing with Gemini mother. HELP!
Hey there,
As the title suggests, me and my mother always seem to argue over things that are stupid to me. It's always over things I think are trivial. On top of this, from my perspective she seems to twist everything to make me feel bad, is this a com
- Pisces attracted to a Virgo but don't know what to do. Suggestions?
I am a Pisces male and I have been attracted to a Virgo girl for a bit now. I want to push forward but I am a shy guy and would prefer to get to know her more first. Is there anything Virgo's tend to like in a Pisces? Any helps n this regard would be nice
- Question for fellow Pisces (and others) about dreams.
Hey there! I am a a person who rarely remembers dreams, but when I do it usually is related to something in my real life. They contain a lot of symbolism of various kinds. They also tend to be prophetic, I often see them happening about a month or so down
- anyone else had nothing but BAD experiences with Cancer men?
I only know 4 cancer men and obviously I don't know all cancer men or just men for that matter. They 4 that I know cheat , manipulative and when called out on their wrong , gets extremely defensive.
I found out a cancer I was talking to had a girlfriend
- When you don't trust the bond you share with someone
How do you deal with it? It is hard to explain but with some people I have seen no matter what whether you meet often or not, whether you are looking nice that day or not, whether you are with someone else or not, they are always the same with you. And yo