March 24, 2017
March 24, 2017 is a Friday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 1.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On March 24
Topics Created On March 24, 2017
- Got get that, got get that WHAT?
Got get that, got get that WHAT? fill in the what.
- Leo men, would you ever cry in front of a girl?
We met 4 months ago and only made it official 2 weeks ago. He cried in front of me last night. He had good reason to be upset (someone he knew passed away a couple of days ago) but I was a little taken back because most men I know would never cry in fro
- Just because
- So I found a picture of me from 1985...
...and all I gotta say is I'M F'N OLD.
Thank you.
- March 24th = Daily Forecast
March 24th
Mercury being at 20˚ Aries will opposite Jupiter at 20˚ Libra. Also, today March 24th Mercury squares Pluto. This could be a challenging day in terms of communication, a day with a lot of intense messages, deep conversations. Both the oppositi
- Question for an Aquarius woman
I'm in need of some serious help. About six months ago me(virgo) and my wife who is an aquarius separated. We have been married for 2 years and together a little over 3. We are in the process of getting a divorce, but I'm totally against it an
- I have a strong sense of self this year of the Libra
Jupiter in Libra I mean.
Could this be explained by my Sun which is in Virgo 27 (Virgo-Libra cusp)?
- I hate AIR signs, but i try not to
I have a general disdain when it comes to air signs. Many of them are funny initially, but become moody, and untrustworthy (quick to tell lies). I feel that air signs use fire signs for their lack of strength, similar to the way water signs use earths ea
- I hate Air, but i try not 2
I have a general disdain when it comes to air signs. Many of them are funny initially, but become moody, and untrustworthy (quick to tell lies). I feel that air signs use fire signs for their lack of strength, similar to the way water signs use earths ea
- I hate air, but i try not 2
I have a general disdain when it comes to air signs. Many of them are funny initially, but become moody, and untrustworthy (quick to tell lies). I feel that air signs use fire signs for their lack of strength, similar to the way water signs use earths ea
- Am I cursed? Haha!
My birth chart!
- SeraphCuteness, does it snow in Dublin?
I'm just curious.
- My Taurus boyfriend broke up with me because he's unhappy?
So my boyfriend and I have been together for over 5 years off and on. We've been fighting a lot recently and it put a strain on our relationship. He told me at first he wanted to take time apart & then changed his mind to he wanted to break up completely
- Northern Europe
Can anybody explain to me why it's warm in certain areas of Northern Europe such as Britain, Netherlands and even Denmark while it's super cold in Norway, Sweden, Finland and Russia.
Oh Iceland is warm too.
- any other air dominated people feel weirded out by how apathetic you can be?
Not sure if it's just me, but I find myself more often than not just tuning out the emotions around me and being really apathetic...
Like for example, today I had a friend tell me how awful her suitemates current situation was and all I could do was s
- If a Guy likes me or not ? Confused
Okay so I have this guy in my class who uI have a doubt that he likes me . I have been noticing him for weeks that he stares at me in the class or outside cafeteria and I hadn't reacted at all he sometimes passed a smile and I smiled back too. Tried to t
- Couple's Meditation?!
Have you ever tried it? If so, how was it? Did it improve your relationship on a soulful/spiritual level?
To those who haven't tried it, Would you try it? Why or Why Not?
- a virgo girl with major issues. if you have the time to listen to my story,knock some sense into me
I would just like to say, you guys have been my safe heaven for the past 4 years. I read stuff on here, ignoring the astrology aspect a lot of people here give good advice. I finally got an account Mine September 16, 1994 9:10 am Virgo sun scorpio
- Love me a scorp but (males & females)
Why y'all so petty....andddddd... why y'all allow lil ol me to hurt ya feelings so quick that revenge is a given ?
- Does it snow in Spain? Ever???
I'm curious. I'm going to visit my cousins in Oviedo and Barcelona.
- Wut 2 Do
So, I've posted a few times on here talking about a Pisces guy who initially brushed me off then suddenly started to pursue me. I think he's a psychopath. I approached him in a bar because he's very attractive to me but the more time I've been spending ti
- Cancer men & Cancer woman: Is he interested or just being friendly and Are we even compatible?
Its been 7 years since i wanted to go on a serious date after breaking with my ex boyfriend (bf for 7 years) and well..... then I saw this cancer man. I been knowing this guy since three months ago. He added me on facebook at the end of January. After tha
- embarrassed myself?
Hi guys! Quirky aries asking for advice. In love with colleague. Awkward, I know.
After a job meeting I felt bad and ended up sitting on a bench on my own, kinda with the crying face et al. He came up to me to ask "if I were OK" and suggested I come talk
- im friends again with my leo ex
- Sag man
I just want to know do sag men lust alot or fall in love fast? I been talking to one as a friend he talking bout he wants a baby with me and im like where is this coming from? He said he likes me and wants a family but we only been friends 4 months. I had
- is that possible? scorpio sun taurus moon are not opposite each other
I hope DXPers from the scorpio forum dont see this lol but ive been a lil obsessed by this..My sun and moon are supposed to be opposites, but my sun and moon dont form an aspect..I tried to google some info on this and I found nothing..Anyone else out the
- Kim Falconer, Gemini
I saw her searching for astrology links, on orbs ect. and she looks like a kind of "dark" Gemini, look at her clothing. She reminds me of blackphase. :P a Gemini with lots of water, especially scorpio.
- Adrift 2, Open water
this is supposedly based on actual events,but in the way that actual events happened in Amytivlle horror.
this is what happens when you bring a baby to the open shore, and people are not thinking a
- Libra sun with Aries moon? help
This is my first topic on this forum so if I made any mistake, please forgive me.
I am an 18 male with Libra sun and an Aries moon and I have a really hard time coping with my Aries moon. It's so bothersome and annoying. And since my Sun sign opposites m
- Depressed sister.
Me and my sister have never been the sort of sisters that get involved too much in eachothers buissness. However my sister recently left home and is renting her own place. I am over the moon for her because she hasnt had the easiest time of it as she suff
- Bunny Songwriter
Yes, I do write songs but only occasionally. I'm good with finding rhyming words and stuff.
The first song I've ever written was for an Capqua girl way back May 2008. Initially, I was still asleep when my mind was humming something. When I woke up, I
- What are the 'telltale signs' of an unevolved Taurus?
I am new to this astrology/signs/placements thing, but it interests me a great deal.
Every sign has a positive side (usually when evolved) and a negative side (usually when unevolved or going through a bad patch), or so I've heard and read on here a fe
- Will I get married and when I will meet my husband?
Hello there,
Are you able to predict based on a vedic astrology if and when I will get married and character traits of my husband?
I was born on 22nd November 1985 at 1:40 p.m., Slovakia, Dunajska Streda (47.9916° N, 17.6206° E), closest big city is
- What to do
Does she want my blood or money or something? Why won't she leave me alone...*sighs* help!!!
- Taurus shattered my heart
- Neptune Rising - Anyone Else?
Having a Neptune ascendant, I've noticed that other people have a strong tendency to project their issues or anything they don't want to acknowledge in themselves onto me (for example, accusing me of being one way when I am actually quite the opposite). D
- Thinking of
- should i be worried about a taurus woman?
i am aries.
i am abroad now. i am very afraid that my ex friend- a taurus woman - ven though shes been in an relationship for almost 2 years, has an eye for some virgo or/and leo man.
2 years ago she was jealous about me and this virgo man e
- My Libra guy is giving me the silent treatment
I'm a cap woman. I've been with my Libra man for 8 mths now and it's been rocky. We've been just friend before for about a year. At the beginning, of course, it was all perfect but then life happened and things got tough. I'm a single mom and have had a t
- Brandon Stoughton
he's the guy in the video, the main guy who is the "womanizer"
lol :P
Leo sun/Cancer mars/Taurus moon and lots of planets in Libra, including Venus and Jupiter.
he's very Venusian with that libra stellium and Taurus moon.
then I found out...
- The DXP Mole
For this game everyone must work together as a group having some challenges. The worse the group does in the challenges, the amount of people that will be
- Just in case you are not sick of hearing about my ex yet
He's back. Again. He told me that he had his first therapy appointment today. He promises that he will get better and things will go back to the way they were before.
I love him but I'm scared. I don't know if I can go through the pain of him disappeari