March 11, 2017
March 11, 2017 is a Saturday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 6.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On March 11
Topics Created On March 11, 2017
- What placements do you dislike or don't understand?
Screw ego boosting, positive threads.
I am repulsed by and completely unfamiliar with aries and gemini energy.
I haven't grown up around much of it nor have attracted it throughout my life.
Can anyone tell me their experiences about Aries Venus
- Interesting Taurus man story
I met this Taurus guy 5 weeks ago online and we hit it off right away and he showered me with compliments. And I told him at time to contact me if he wants to talk again. I was gone on vacation and after I got back, I thought of him one day and messaged h
- Taurus Mixed Signal
I have this long distance relationship with this taurus (4 hours drive) we met for 4 times and everything is so like fantasy thing in 3 months relationship. She has been single for 3 years (just having some casual sex in between) and after having met me w
- Scorpio man, Capricorn Woman !
Hey guys, so as u can see from the title I have some issues with a scorpio man. I recently met this guy in my uni and we would be in the occasional group work in class, We would talk but nothing out of the ordinary, i liked him but didn't think twice abou
- aries + libra
so my girlfriend and i have been dating for about a year now, our suns are polar opposites (i'm an aries woman, she's a libra), i'm a libra moon and she's a gemini moon, my mercury is in pisces, hers in libra. my venus in taurus, hers scorpios. and my mar
- Slow Cooker Pulled Pork
what are your fav ingredients for easy crock pot pulled pork? i got a new crock pot over Christmas and want to break it in!
- Which one is better a full covered tattoo or a combo of a few?
a combo
- Scorpio man, Capricorn Woman, HELP please !
Hey guys, so as u can see from the title I have some issues with a scorpio man. I recently met this guy in my uni and we would be in the occasional group work in class, We would talk but nothing out of the ordinary, i liked him but didn't think twice abou
- Is she on point?
Cappie I graduated high school with talks about credit and how to boost your score and understanding the basics of credit cards etc.
I've always been scared of credit cards, so I never had any, however I think it's time. As of now I dont have any cred
- What house do you think that rules parties and nightlife?
- Grand sextile
So I have the grand sextile or the star of David in my natal chart. Would does this mean for me?
- Sun/Moon Libra with Cancer ascendant
I hate anything to do with "bullies" so books or films featuring Nazis or mobsters are out of the question. Seeing the cover of The Boy in the Striped Pajamas make me depressed. Sad fiction of all kinds gets to me, even though the characters are complete
- Randomness
So, I may or may not be tipsy - but I wanted to make a thread of good vibes. Idk, let's just chill out...all ya'll goin fuckin crazy all the time - don't ya know Frankie says relax!? :) know what I wanna tak about? Smiling. I like to s
- Odds this might work?
Me (gay male): Sun Libra, Moon Libra, Asc Cancer
Him: Sun Leo, Moon Leo, Asc Libra
I want to know everything about him (Mercury in Scorpio), but we've exchanged few personal details so far. I've become reconciled to the idea that getting to know
- Materialistic tendencies
You see where you are is bound to be reflective of where you are going.
What are your hobbies?
What do you eat?
What do you think?
It seems that I have found myself turning broken pavement into smooth asphalt.
It seems that I have turned
- Hoarders?
Is there any sign or aspect that tends towards being a hoarder? Someone who never gets rid of shit and can barely live in their house and shit, like extreme, even animal hoarders and stuff. Just curious if this is related to astrology at all.
- Do scorpios get more jealous as a relationship progresses?
I still love my ex, want to get back with him but he's dating some Scorpio girl. He's a Capricorn. I read that they make a great match so it's been kinda discouraging for me, I'm a libra so we all know how that goes. We've had our issues together but I'm
- Is love an addiction?
- Are cancers depressing to be around?
I know 5 cancers or so and i don't like being around them, i find it too depressing and it feels like a mirror of myself (im a cancer sun) i always leave with a negative feeling, i like the other water signs a lot more, do most of cancers have this negati
- sterio types
What do you guys hate about stereo types.
That people put on you with out even getting to now you?
Mine is that I'm supposable jealousy, sexual, manipulative, and only see in black and white and is loyal.
And what is a part of you that you wish
- All you pisces?
Pisces guys always confuse me.. I met this guy on social media and we had long conversation 3 to 4 times and then he contact.. I haven't messaged too as I don't want to sound desperate to chat with him.. but thn after a week he liked two of
- There's no "I" in "LOVE"
I am both surprised and not surprised that too many people never realize this.
I won't name people, but here two people in particular have amused me greatly with their ignorance. One is an Aries, another is a Cancer/Leo cusper. They're having a real ha
- Just a
- Just a Friend...
Hi. Cancer guy here! So I like a Leo woman, we've been friends for years, I have a crush on her the first time we met but didn't push it until we became friends...
She knows I have a crush on her, We are touchy with each other, we do hold hands, call e
- Moon masqueraders
When I first posted on DXP I got some raw replies!!! I went away, reflected and had to agree with some of the posters. Some of you really did speak the truth.
I'm a Scorpio sun and suffered an emotional abusive relationship when I was very young and i
- So confused.. please help
I met this person about 5 or so months ago.. she's quite a bit older & neither of us are in positions where we could state feelings towards each other even if we wanted too and even if they were there. It seemed after she noticed my high intelligence leve
- Beauty
Lately hear so much stuff about how people are reacting to other people good looks. I am meeting good looking people who are being put down just because...and mostly by people who aren't so pretty.
So I am thinking that beauty unfortunately is the thi
- *Inspirational Stories*
I was with a friend yesterday who told me this story ... true one ... i found it very moving and amazed at how just a very small gesture can actually save someone < 3
A man had decided to commit suicide that night. He was walking home and stopped at t
- Cancer woman and talking/texting
So I've been talking to this cancer woman, and as a cancer myself, you would think I'd know the ins and outs of cancerians haha. But anyway, this cancer girl that I've been talking to once a week has not been really good at texting back. I'm the kind of c
- DonScorpio have powers they not aware of?
Well...something weird just happened and I am wondering why!
Yesterday we were talking about
me screwing up the recipe he gave me and he said I should has use that! And I said I never use it in my cooking. If I need it I made it fresh - not from the b
- Taurean haste
My Taurus friend is so hasty with his temper. He was taking with a girl recently, online then onto WhatsApp, he had a real spring in his step. And then, all of a sudden he blocks all contact to and from her, because when he got snappy with her, she gave a
- Well isn't this ironic.... haha
Ive been hyping up my Cancer man on this forum in the past. But I just got brutally ignored. I may be equally to blame though.I'm kind of not sure....
Quick backstory: When I met him he had just gotten out of a relationship the year prior with his daug
- Four horseman?
Just heard we are entering some 4 horseman zone when everything is going to be awful and world will collapse and that man will rule!
Should we sell properties and follow that man who says 'follow me...everything is going to fall anyway'
I am not pay
- I think this site is full of government agents, who try and put people off astrology...
They often appear to be normal, but something's not quite right...and they're interested but their interest always stops abruptly. And of course there's all the mindless bickering like 5 year olds. I think they're training real people to associate astrolo
- Sagittarius ex unfollowed me on Social media
I'm so confused. So okay me and my ex broke up almost a month ago and the day we broke up we had an hour talk just to get closure and set the record straight. We had a I guess a 'good breakup' there was no like bad vibes when we did, it just was what it w
- Librans-- Is frequency of sex a big issue for you in a relationship?
I'm a libra female and I want it every day or at least every other day. If my partner doesn't, I feel frustrated and I feel as if they don't really love me. Sex=love basically. Anyone similar?
- Smoking Vs. Non-Smoking
Are you you a smoker, are you not? What are your thoughts on it?
I'm not big on smoking, but will smoke a cigar on occasion in the right setting with friends. Also not big on hookah, but will do it if with friends. I also have friends who love their b
- Pluto Q's in synastry or no
I was just wondering, whether in synastry or just a natal horoscope which do you think would be more challenging, Moon square Pluto or Mercury Square Pluto?
- How do you know if you have true feelings for someone or it's just obsession?
I am confused. Please help :-S
- any sun in cancer/scorpio moon men that can help me know how to date them? im aqua sun/gemini moon.
- Jeff Hardy
I feel like Jeff Hardy. Jeff Hardy is a virgo too lol
- Venus in retrograde is kicking my ass!
Growing up my father was never around, he denied I was his. I had never met him and I started looking for him when I turned 16, I am 24 now. This past Sunday I was just randomly searching for him through Facebook and Google he has the most generic name ev
- Libra moons
What are traits of libra moons?