March 19, 2017
March 19, 2017 is a Sunday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 5.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On March 19
Topics Created On March 19, 2017
- Virgos, why are you all so ungrateful?
Why must everything and everyone be perfect for you to be satisfied?
Why do you think you're entitled to perfection, or anything at all?
- Virgo/Libra cusp
Anyone on this cusp? I'm not sure if I am. I am september 18 and this picture says I am. But i know there are different schools of thoughts when it comes to cusps.
- Are We Romantically Compatible?
He's a Sagittarius and I'm an Aries. We're both Sagittarius mooners.
His Venus is in Sagittarius while mines is in Aries.
His Mars is in Libra while mine is in Virgo. Does this mess up romantic/sexual compatibility? Does my Libra Ascendant help with
- Does being
Does being ghosted count in the ghost forum cuz I've been ?? which means I'm being ignored's almost as bad as cheating & lying to me ??
- Can anyone tell me about
12th house Mars or 12th house Saturn ppl? Or both? I currently have an obsession with houses ?
- Sag man analysis: How to find out if he is cheating?
i am a cancer girl.. we dated for 1 year and this guy seems to be always to insecure and possesive.
initially it all seemed o.. n lovey dovey.. but later it became suffocating.. he use to doubt almost everything.
subconsciously i started to develop trus
- Cap guy wants to take me to a wedding but wouldn't tell me when was his last GF?
There was a mix up in an invitation he received. So he missed the wedding, I said hey it might have been a good thing and now you get to see me! He goes if the mix up didn't happen I would have take you with me.
I knew he wasn't joking, we never had th
- Will aquarius guy come back to me?
I have met an aquarius guy online through a common friend for 6 months now. I started liking him from past 3 months. i feel he too likes me. Meanwhile he liked another girl at his workplace who rejected him. He was upset. Everytime i gave him indication i
- will my aquarius guy come back to me?
I have met an aquarius guy online through a common friend for 6 months now. I started liking him from past 3 months. i feel he too likes me. Meanwhile he liked another girl at his workplace who rejected him. He was upset. Everytime i gave him indication i
- Work out soreness
What tricks do you use to combat the pain?
- Need help figuring out this chart
I don't know how to read them like this, it looks like gibberish .. I would really appreciate it if someone could help me out
- Lose 9 lbs in 30 days
Is it possible? I'm going on vacation in 31 days and just noticed that I gained 9 lbs over the winter! I'm tall so it takes awhile before the weight creep up becomes obvious.
Any tips?
- I don't care about meatless food
As long i remember - never cared for sweets, fruits and vegetables.
People who go nuts over cake or cookie looks to me like nut cakes!
Like why have a cake if you can have a steak? Unless you can't have steak and there no other choices but cak
- Can u give some info please
Met a pisces we get on great speak daily for ages. We meet up. He said something I didn't like it was late I don't him I wasn't happy with what he said he said he was sorry I said I would call him tomorrow. When I did he ignored me. We we're going out tha
- When Virgo male misses you...
Is that's a big deal?
We've been dating for a month and he had to travel for work. When we saw each other last week he told me almost first thing that he missed me.
I know they don't show emotion much.
- Why would a Virgo guy cheat?
I thought they were supposed to be loyal.
I've been reading so many posts lately (also on other forums). I'm dating one and now I'm kind of afraid to do something that makes him want to cheat!
I'd love to hear about some experiences or thoughts.
- Why would a Virgo man cheat?
I thought they are loyal?
- When a Virgo says he misses you...
Is that a big deal? Been dating one and he had to travel for work for almost a month. He comes back and we get together and he tells me he missed me. Normally not a biggie but I know Virgos aren't known to be expressive.
- Nastiest signs or placements in bed
dirty, fetishes, sexual energy
- Does having lots of major aspect... Or vice versa, cause conflict in ones personality?
I've noticed pulling charts that some people have maybe 10 major planet aspects, while others have double that. Is there any significance to the amount, or just the aspects themselves?! I hope this isn't a dumb question. Hahaha
- Psychics and Cancers.
I've read numerous times that most Psychics are in fact Cancers. I'm not even sure if I believe in it. I know Cancers have strong emotional intuition. My bestie would call me from 1300 miles away when something was up. We both have that soul sister connec
- Which planet placement would be the one that is about JEALOUSY?
- One word for Aqua moon !
Go ! I will start.. unique
- Friends with Benefits with a LEO MAN
So we met because we are in one college and we are a group of friends circle, and small one 5 people. We are close because we are the youngest in the group, and also we have the same belief and he like to tease me, so we always have fun together. Also we
- Zulily Online Shopping
Has anyone ever ordered from this site? Are you satisfied with your experience?
My stepmother sent me the link to show me clothes she's buying, and since spring (?) and summer are around the corner, I thought to get myself a few things! ?
I'm excit
- Why Virgos keep rejecting me?
So, I'm a Taurus woman (I'm bi), Capricorn rising, Moon in Sagittarius, Venus in Taurus, Mars in Gemini... And the thing is, I keep crushing on Virgo Suns, both m & f, and they always seem to like me at first, but then they reject me. This has now happene
- Anyone else who gets rejected by Virgos?
Yeah, so, I'm a bi Taurus woman, in my twenties. I keep crushing on Virgo Suns, both sexes, and they just keep rejecting me. This has now happened to me 6 times already, and I'm starting to wonder what is it in me that they don't like? I can't be that una
- Aquaphor ?
It's an Advanced Therapy skin protectant for dry, cracked and irritated skin.
Very recently, I have come to SWEAR by this! I recently had very chapped lips thanks to, ahem, cold weather, and I was desperate for a quick fix that I could carry around wi
- Black Clouds, Grief and other senseless things
Some days, I feel like I have a black cloud hovering over me. I try to stay optimistic but I get that damn Saturn gut punch and it starts all over.
Yesterday was my late father's bday. Good celebration of him. My dad was the coolest person ever. Sti
- Venus Retrograde. What about it though?
How is this effecting our daily and love lives? Just miscommunication, mostly? I feel a lot of what I'm finding on google to be vague and about exs popping up.
- Trying to reduce a habit
Should I do this on the 4th quarter Aquarius moon, or waxing new moon in Aries?
- She stayed late and cuddled for hours and told me she had a boyfriend after?
You can find a summary of my predicament and the composite/synastry charts here:
Any help is appreciated
- Cancer (W) and Scorpio (M): He seems like he's moved on. any chance that could change?
So almost a year ago, I dated this guy for a few short months. we REALLY liked each other and everything was great until he started pulling away.
While we were dating/talking, He told me he never liked anyone like that before, how i was perfect to him
- Leo & Observation
Does anyone feel the same way that moost of the time people think leo are just flashy and attention whore people who are blinded by love and dont think before jumping it into a project, relationship, or any other situations?
As far as i'm concerned I
- Gemini moon folks!
Can all the gemini moon get in there? I want to know what you guys usually like and dislike and how do you express your emotions. Who do you really trust?,
Do you feel like your moon signs is being portrayed negatively because its been described on se
- Is Love enough?
Few days ago, i was having intense conversations with my aqua bestie concerning relationships, love, friendship and confusing bonds & tensions between people.
She was actually explaining about her own relationship with her boyfriend that he brings for