March 5, 2017
March 5, 2017 is a Sunday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 9.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On March 5
Topics Created On March 5, 2017
- ex added me on snapchat
We were long distance, so since our break up we have not had ANY contact, we never have any reason to go to each others towns, and really have 0 mutual friends on social media.. i only have snapchat and insta.. a few weeks after our break up i put my inst
- ? snap chat ex
We were long distance, so since our break up we have not had ANY contact, we never have any reason to go to each others towns, and really have 0 mutual friends on social media.. i only have snapchat and insta.. a few weeks after our break up i put my inst
- Do you sleep deeply?
Are you a deep sleeper or a light sleeper? Also please state your sun sign.
- Leos mask
Since we are on the topic of leos wearing a mask, who has seen this mask come off? What was that like for you and the leo? who has seen the leo at a vulnerable state?
- Astrology...and why it doesn't really matter sometimes.
So just a musing for today (or a rant, whichever way you want to see it).
Met up with my reverse astro twin (Scorpio sun/Aries moon) for our bi-annual dinner thing we normally do, before she goes back to Romania for 2 weeks.
We talked about the usua
this video is AMAZING also very accurate
- Step aside, Logan. It's Laura's time to shine. :)
Laura = cloudykins
Logan = Ands
- Cheaters of the zodiac?
Sooo. This will be a dirt-throwing, mud-slinging thread but which signs are more likely be two-timing? Not exactly two-timing lying cheaters ,but say, they see absolutely no problem in seeing two people at once.
- In love with a pisces since high school.
Alrighty people, so this is how my story looks like so everyone can jump in later to help me on this.
He (the Pisces) and I were both foreign students in the States and we both first met each other in the Maths class. At the first time, I didn't find
- Recently Watched Anime
Mention it and give your review of the anime! :)
- Libra dude
This is basically the first libra guy I've experienced. We've been texting for the past week since I met him and he always asks what I'm doing, how I'm doing, if I slept well, etc. so, it seems like he's interested. He comes home tomorrow but I don't know
- hello...
I really want to help my Taurus friend,
I have before and he mentioned it, but he can be so selfish and immature sometimes.
Must be his Leo rising.... not!
I can't dictate who he should be, I don't want to change him, just help him,
Why does my Virgo
- Virgos and addiction?
Are any of you virgos addicted to anything? like alcohol or smoking or drugs? just curious...they say virgos tend to rely on drugs to ease their overbearing minds...i too have used stuff in the past. just your thoughts on this?
- what is he really want?
My scorpio is coming for me, and we are living together. Although I am Gemini, we can staying very well and now he always says I can do a lot of homework as a home-wife and work his project as a colleague. He says he want to be "my good man".
Actually I
- The accuracy ...
Okay so.
In the last forum I started, I asked you guys about what you think my astrological details suggest about my personality. And the replies I got were so bery accurate that now my friend is interested in her own case as well.
She is —
Sun in
- Cancer problems
Keep telling a cancer what to do and think and it's not working like I had planned, someone please help. I spent a long time on this plan.
- I need help on this topic from Cancer-sun moon-scorpio men, please..
I just started dating a sun in cancer moon in scorpio man and im a sun in aquarius Gemini moon woman. We texted off and on for two weeks then he decided for me to go to his house for dinner and watch movies. I has the time of my life I never thought sex a
- Cancer guy with moon in Sagit going AWOL
Hi guy,
I'm new here, hoping to get insights from fellow cancerian men.
I am Capricorn, moon in Taurus. I really hit it off with this Cancer guy and we ended up sleeping together twice. He has always been pretty frugal with his texting, but he wou
- How old were you when your mom started spilling the
salsa on the beans
- Millenials are slowly creeping into this site.
I'm no longer special :(
- Dom sub wtf?
Friend and her lover for 3 decades getting closer and it's at very LDR!
Last night he sent her link to handcuffs and shit.
She is 53 and know less about it than I do but finding it exciting and fascinating!
I am warning her that it's not w
- Asking a Scorpio if he thinks we are a good couple - ridiculous reaction!!!
Ok so I was seeing a scorp guy for a few months when one night I asked him in bed "do you think we're a good couple?" In a very playful I'm dying to know what you think kind of way, of us and how we're working and where we are etc.. It was just a conversa
- cancer man sending mixed signals
so i met this Cancer guy two months ago (i'm an Aquarius woman btw & we're both early 20's) & everything seemed to be going great. we have the same interest and loved conversing with each other. we're both also two VERY emotional people and find comfort w
- Attracting a lot of Caps lately...
I've been smitten with this Cap for 7 months now, it started off as something just sexual, I developed feelings for him, I tried to fight it because there was no use I was moving from the east coast to the west coast. So when I was getting ready to leave
- What sign would you say is slow to anger?
first off I sencerily apologize if this has been done before. its unfortunate I don't remember if this project's been done before.
so what sign would you say is slow to anger? I would have to go with Gemini. and not because I'm one. I don't play favort
- Can Aquas get self absorbed?
Hi all just wanted to get some opinion on this.
This has been on my mind for quite a while.
I have an Aqua friend for whom I had feelings. Mostly it was infatuation. But we were very close :). We got separated for 2 years, she went for her higher stud
- Need help with Scorpio ex
Im a Capricorn female and I broke up with my Scorpio ex about 4 months ago, he has a new girlfriend but still feels the need to scare boys and make them feel awkward for having fun with me.. I just don't understand?? Someone help what can I do
- pls judge me by my appearance - aries - today i got dismissed again.
hello world,
i have very depressive day.
again some guy ignored me.
i really dont know what i do wrong.
i study arts and architecture. i do a lot of things besides school.
i am friendly.
maybe too friendly?
i am posting my picture to let stra
- I don't understand libras
I'm friends with a libra male we only really talk when we're out together we do get with each other but nothing serious, he is single 100% and I know that so I let him do his own thing but for some reason if I do what he does it's a big problem and he let
- When they still use their dating app?
How would you guys feel if your gf/bf/SO still used their dating profile? You know that you can see their online status and if it was a recent log in, how would you guys feel? I've been dating my bf for over a year and I sometimes get on my dating app to
- Cancerians and being Emotional
Hi, fellow Cancerians! Doesn't it drive you crazy that we're too emotional? It's so hard to overthink and be clingy or needy.. Any tips for other cancerians (like me) who want to be able to control this? I feel it's overwhelming for non-cancerians.