March 9, 2017
March 9, 2017 is a Thursday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 22.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On March 9
Topics Created On March 9, 2017
- "Alaskan Bush People"
Anyone else seen this show on Discovery channel?
Is it obvious to you that they just had a casting call for adults with aspergers, or just me??
Or maybe just homeschooled?
These people are not from Alaska
- I'm a Pisces/aries cusp with sag rising and I think I scared my Scorpio man away
So I've been friends with this Scorpio for about a year and he has saved me from myself numerous times (from a drug overdose, encouraged me to go to rehab). I am a Pisces/aries cusp with a sag rising. I like this guy a whole hell of a lot and when we are
- Signs and Forgiveness
They say that there are only two signs who can truly forgive a person...Taurus and Virgo. Thoughts on this?
- Gemini Venus!!!!
Found out I have a Gemini Venus in my chart... what are some of the attitudes/behaviours gemini Venus females exhibit?
I know I'm a sucker for intellectuals or even just a flowing conversation (though I often wonder If I'm intellectual enough for the o
- I'm a Pisces/aries cusp with sag rising PLS HELP
So I've been friends with this Scorpio for about a year and he has saved me from myself numerous times (from a drug overdose, encouraged me to go to rehab). I am a Pisces/aries cusp with a sag rising. I like this guy a whole hell of a lot and when we are
- Picky Eater...HELP!!
Ok so I need some help, I'm with my little sister and I'm getting ready to make dinner... BUT she's a picky eater, what should I make for dinner tonight?
List of things she doesn't/can't eat:
-Peas (especially in rice)
-Cheese (it has
- He has a Venus in Scorpio... should I be scared?
I've read that Scorpio have the ability to destroy anything in their paths lololol therefore this discovery is rather frightening...?
What can I expect?
- Pisces people do you feel tearful when someone says "good for you"
after you tell somebody something, do you feel the tears well up in your eyes ?
- Psychic medium
I went to see a psychic today. I went in as a skeptic believer....if that makes sense.
She didn't know anything about me besides my first name when I arrived and I was careful not to ramble too much so I didn't give cues.
About 70% was spot on
And t
So I've been friends with this Scorpio for about a year and he has saved me from myself numerous times (from a drug overdose, encouraged me to go to rehab). I am a Pisces/aries cusp with a sag rising. I like this guy a whole hell of a lot and when we are
- Intense, Complicated Recipes
Guessing everyone here is a foodie. What recipes are the most complex you've had to prepare? Feel free to throw in recipes that may not be inherently complicated, but demanded more time because you made the ingredients from scratch (i.e. spaghetti when yo
- Favorite people in the world
Who are your most favorite people in the world? Please post a picture, video, or just write a comment about why they are your favorite. It could be anyone from family, friends, actors, musicians, celebrities, or anyone from any point in history that you a
- what doset it mean?
when dose it mean when some one say "no you guys look busy"
I was as lunch sitting will one of male friends.
Were face to face and legs and feet facing each other. And are arms leaning on the head of the chairs. We talked for 2 hours...
about dreams,
- Forbidden relationship....but does he like me?
Hey! Bull here who's developed a massive crush on a Scorp.
Problem is, I'm his client and I know his firm operates a very strict policy where consultants can't get involved with clients romantically or they are fined. Now, he owns the firm and I'm
- Weirdest shit you ever heard?
Weirdest shit I ever heard was when a person came to my house and seen me putting my bed's linen into the washing machine...
& they shouted "EWWW, who washes bed stuff I never knew you were suppose to wash that stuff.."
I almost died, I never knew
- Kids and Astrology?
My birth chart has always indicated I want loads of kids, and I do have a moon in Scorpio, and my moon in the 5th house, but I don't want kids at all. I do also have pluto in the 5th house, and pluto is in Sagittarius, so could that be it? My 4th house is
- Scorpio March Tarot Reading
I really have to share this video with you guys. It really is speaking to my current situation. Enjoy :)
- detached sex....hate it
As a watersign, i love to give myself to the fullest when in a relationship. I can detach my emotions when necessary ( libra mars) but when i have sex with the one i love it has to be " all of him and all of me" . Merging into another.
When my cap and
- Firebunny Looksmaxing 2017 to 2032 Thread
In this thread I will post everything that I do to looksmax. Ands' thread about me was deleted by him so I figured maybe I should post my own thread that will surely not be deleted. :)
What are my goals? Hmmmm...
1. Get a Bikini Open type of body (b
- Confessing early to a Cancer Woman?
I've known this cancer woman for a while now (3 or so months), but never really talked to her until this month. We've been talking in person a lot for a couple of weeks and I'm thinking of telling her I like her.
Do you guys think its a bad idea? Do ca
- What do you like and dislike about Sagittarius?
On a friendship level?
In a workplace setting?
Thanks in advance.
- Best Advice I ever got on dating a cancer man - DON'T BE AFRAID TO LOSE HIM!! Hope this helps
Best Advice I ever got on dating a cancer man
This how u date a cancer man
All you have to do is let HIM date YOU. Period. Let him plan & lead. The most you do is just show up, be sweet & be beautiful. Do nothing else! Don't chase him, stalk him,
- It seems that a lot of people want astrology to be literal....
But there's almost always a certain margin of error. It's energies meeting, or moving away, like Pluto transiting MC can mean death of the father, or loss of a job or reputation. And in some cases none of those's just that another part of the
- For Venus Retrograde in Pisces, you're looking at the headlines of your life being affected as follo
For Venus Retrograde in Pisces, you're looking at the headlines of your life being affected as follows:
PISCES Name. Face. Persona. Profile. Presentation. Packaging. Reputation. Style. Shape.
ARIES Secrecy. Invisibility. Classified Material. Confident
- Ever feel like you can't relate to dxpnet anymore?
I'm not sure what it is, but I just can't relate to this place anymore. All the topics are just uninteresting imo. Maybe I'm just getting too old for all this childish drama. I really wish I could be like some of the great dxp Leos like Seraph, Monty, or
- Amazing reading to understand you amazing creature better hehe
- abusive
I'm an Aquarius girl who just got out of dating a Virgo male. he was the worst. I thought this was just a he problem but then I realized so many Virgo men are like this! In the beginning he made me feel so special and wanted, then started to treat me like
- How do you feel about Tarot reading? (open to everyone)
I'm an aqua and 2 of my friends (Pisces and Cancer women) have gotten their Tarot read this week.
They don't really talk to each other so they don't know but they are both my best friends and they both came to me with the same thing this week.
I hea
- Help..Gemini/scorpio
Hi this may be long but just need abit of help and what you think.
So I'm a Scorpio - Aquarius moon - Gemini rising and my boyfriend off over 1 year is a Gemini.. he recently finished me out of the blue and got very emotional when tried doing so.. we dec
- Check your mars placement's unbelievable...
Read mine and my wife's last's sooo spot on. She actually has a "decorations room" that she locks, it's got all her pretty stuff....decorations, novelties, carpets, candles, incense, cussions...and she just spends time in there to look at them.
Say this prayer for three consecutive days and then you must publish and it will be granted to you.
Oh, most beautiful flower of Mt. Carmel, fruitful vine, splendor of Heaven, Blessed Mother of the Son of God, Immaculate
- Virgo ex. Trying to understand him.
Hi. I wonder why my virgo ex was so cold and so mean even if I gave my whole heart to him? He seemed to never care even if we were together for 6 years. He was cold and distant. And when I finally left him he is chasing after me for almost a year now and
- Cappy jealousy
Just wonder if cappies r jealous or possessive? How they express it? What makes them that way? Just anything and everything about it.
- Friendly Sex
A short excerpt from "The Ethical Slut" by Janet Hardy and Dossie Easton
Friendly Sex
If one of those good, intimate friends becomes your lover … what then? Will it ruin the friendship? Will it lead to something more, something that threatens anoth
- Fear of Predestination: Are We Really Alive?
A few days ago I read this talk: "Fear of Predestination: Are We Really Alive?" here:
That reminded me also of this:
- My SoulMate!
Well, never in my life have i had someone so awesome. at first i thought you guys were total snooze fests but, my cappy man is awesome. he stuck by me and did not leave until he won me over lol. i love that. I love a man who will not take no for an answer
- How are my fellow Sag's coping with the Venus Retrograde?
Just wondering how my fellow Sag's are travelling with the Venus retrograde. I personally am struggling big time with thoughts of the Taurean I'm in love with. Is it unrequited? Is he ever going to step up? Dang, it's hard not to do the reach out! I