February 16, 2019
February 16, 2019 is a Saturday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 3.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On February 16
Topics Created On February 16, 2019
- DM panty droppers
Post them here.
- bye ✋✋✋
I should have been done earlier
-when I came here, I thought I would get adult discussions and give/receive relationship advice but I get more educated discussions on fucking 4chan and the rship threads here are always idiotic
-I don't care about astrol
- Do You Have A Girly Instagram? (Fem Instagram VS Masc Instagram, A Man's Insta VS A Woman's Insta)
I noticed a big difference between the sexes on social media.
I never paid too much attention to this.. It just kind of went over my head.. But since I've been dating and analyzing men and women as whole (I'm currently in a phase in my life where I can't
- This Case Is Getting Interesting (US)
"Jussie Smollett, the "Empire" actor who claims he was assaulted by white supremacists screaming "MAGA COUNTRY" in the middle of a pol
- Posessed or just schizo?
Hi everyone.
I am 20 years old and i have a question that I'm kind of ashamed to ask -
Have you, or do you know anyone who has experiences the feeling of having to share their lives with some demon?
Look, I kind of believe in spirits, especially evil s
- Do I say adios and walk away?
Hi all!
I’m SO sorry this is so long. Please bare with me!
I’m having a little trouble with a Leo. I’m a cancer sun with a Libra moon and Leo Venus. It’s my first time ever even really being interested in a Leo sun (also a Gemini moon and Leo Venus). We
- Should I watch The Wizard of Oz (1939) and Gone With the Wind (1939)?
I always read about them but never cared but since a lot of people say they're classics...
Should I?
- Aqua Man & mind games
I'm talking to a past friend that's an Aqua we've known each other for quite some time but disconnected for a awhile. He was still messing around with his child's mother and I kept blowing up on him because I knew he was lying. Now this year I actually ha