February 24, 2019
February 24, 2019 is a Sunday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 2.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On February 24
Topics Created On February 24, 2019
- Sooooo, who was she texting before Bow Wow snatched her phone in the elevator?
Story is here:
- Virgo women
Are hooooooot.
Change my mind.
- How does each moon sign feel when in their hoe phase post video
- Vibrators
Recommendations...and go!
- @xXxcookiemonstereroniiiXxX
Tell me what's on ur mind? I cant get u off of mines
- Meet Chloe | Half Himalayan | Half Scottish Fold
- Cap Sun Gemini moon Cap Mercury man
Anyone who's had any experience with a man with these elements? please share.
- Cap guys prefer older women?
Why do Cap guys tend to marry older women?
- Wanting to be first pick!
So i got this thought. Now everyone one wants to be first pick. it feels good. But would if you are someones second choice? i mean it is better then not being a choice. or if you are a persons third choice. Do you say forget that? Your thoughts on my thou
- Good things happen in Febuarary
Post some fun facts about things that happen in month of February. @black-mamba needs ur moral support, even though she doesn't deserve it
- Virgos...
Virgo woman, what will you do if you are jealous in a relationship? Your partner flirts with anyone? What will you do?
- Taurus moons - can you relate and explain/expand on this?
“I’m just not great at figuring out my own feelings with any speed.”
Quoted from a Capricorn sun/Taurus moon/Scorpio AS.
- Self reflecting libra
Hello fellow Libras,
I’m having a rough day and I want to know if any of you have shared the experience I’m about to detail below. If so, what worked for you?
I’m single and that’s my least favorite dating status but it has me wondering why a good port
- Will Libra Rising save me from a shitty life?
The Libra Rising creed usually goes "all things must be balanced in life". A few months back I ended up in the hospital, lost my job, lost my place, and ended up moving back home. Just recently, I got a job interview set for next Tuesday and I'm wondering
- Release An Ambiguous Message
If you're anything like me, you internalize most of what you feel; leaving others in the dark, and robbing yourself of raw experiences...and/or clarity...or closure.
Even if they're not on DXP, feel free to release your ambiguous message here.
My ambi
- What's your favorite form of Art?
What's your favorite form of Art?
Don't forget to mention your sun sign :)
To me it is in Products and Architecture specially Art Nouveau. Also, still life drawings/paintings, mosaic, stained glass, performances like choreography with music, photograp
- Bored?
My Taurus man calls me literally every day. In a year, there's been maybe 7 days he was unable and he'd let me know what was up. Sometimes I worry that he'll get bored with me by calling me so much. Sometimes we're on the phone for a short bit, sometimes