February 6, 2019
February 6, 2019 is a Wednesday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 2.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On February 6
Topics Created On February 6, 2019
- Sag in a cage
He's 34 and he claims "to be taking care of his mom" because she's got diabetes (not in a bad condition, he doesn't even take care of her, really, kinda the opposite).
The tricky part here is that I previously had a relationship with this guy and the mom
- Gem guy advice
Im a female cancer - jul 6
he's a gum - jun 10
Ive known my gem guy for 2 years. We dated and broke up for multiple reasons. I was willing to work through our differences but he ended it because of the following:
1. I would at times withhold things from h
- Remembrance
- Virgo-Aquarius compatibility?
Hi all. I haven't seen much threads on Aquarius sun-Virgo sun compatibility. Wanted to know what you guys think of this match in a romantic relationship. I.e. what works, what doesn't work, communication, sex, and etc.
Female: Virgo sun • Aquarius moon •
- Gem guy advice
Im a female cancer - jul 6
he's a gum - jun 10
Ive known my gem guy for 2 years. We dated and broke up for multiple reasons. I was willing to work through our differences but he ended it because of the following:
1. I would at times withhold things from h
- hmhmhmh
- Mr perfectionist. Give me a list of ur ideal woman
.. go on :) .. preferable from Virgo male .. but I believe Virgo men might have similar list lol.
- Boyfriend of 4 months is battling depression and has suicidal thoughts...
So I've been in a relationship for about four months and he recently told me he's battling depression and has suicidal thoughts. I'm not sure how long it's been going on but he says when he's with me it all goes away. He's been in a bit of a rough patch l
- What’s the deal sag men?!
I’ve been friends (acquaintances) with a sag man for a couple of years and we can’t stop crossing the line. Story goes...
We’ve slept with each other a few times, but neither of us really follow up afterwards even though I’d like to. I sense he’s a
- Help make boobs a better place
My boobs have been sore for the last few days. I'm over it. They hurt :(
What do you guys do when they are sore? I'm annoyed and need the feeling to go away. It feels like I've had 10 mammograms.
Just wanted to share that with the internet :)
- Lover you will never forget
The zodiac lover who gave you love no one can provide. What was their sign?
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Remove/ban users who use derogatory hateful slurs per the terms and conditions of use on this site, section 7c "You agree not to post content that harasses, degrades, intimidates or is hateful toward an individual or group of individuals on the basis of r