February 19, 2019
February 19, 2019 is a Tuesday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 6.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On February 19
Topics Created On February 19, 2019
- Does the charm of a beautiful woman work on an equally attractive man?
In the same way it works on average or above-average men.
- How likely is a virgo man to get back with an ex?
If a person dumped a virgo politely/nicely so the two werent on sour terms or anything but it still hurt the virgo, and then that person went on to date someone else soon after virgo (posted about it on social media you both still follow each other on), a
- What would you say about this synastry
I'm clueless... He is sensitive but at the same time afraid to open up this man ughh but he's so damn passionate but dangerous... I cut contact because he was being unfair and now I'm sitting here contemplating during a full moon what to do 😂 there nothin
- Nobody wants to eat me
- Somebody stole my Account.
So I've been trying to login into my new account, with a fail. I log in , reset, nothing happens. Is this i common thing, or something is wrong with my settings?
Anywho, I missed DX!!!!
- CBD oil for PMS symptoms
Which of you ladies has experience with CBD oil for pain relief?
Around my period my knees and hips hurt so bad that Advil can’t even stop the pain. It’s to a level where I can’t even sleep at night because I’m in so much pain :(
I’ve been contemplating
- Dark Tactic: I'm Trynna Get this Capricorn Woman To Cheat On Her Goofy Looking "Partner" With Me
Currently setting steps to talk to this Capricorn chick I use to hook-up with when I was 19.
I asked her out for drinks back in November and she declined because she's been in a two year relationship, they live together, and me and her "have history".
- Most of... Game
We are talking about generalities here...
Its really simple, you just need to mention a common trait you can identify in most of the people of that sun sign.
Lets follow the order of the signs... Aries, Taurus, Gemini...
Most of the Aries are hard to d
- @nikkistar
Someone get her some milk!
- Why are you bothered by existence of..
Of queers
Of trans people
Of genderfluid people
Of non-monogamists
Of anyone who’s not Christian or religious
Of immigrants
Of people of color
Of performers
Of crossdressers and drag queens
Of sex workers
Of kinksters
Of other minorities and alt culture m