April 19, 2020
April 19, 2020 is a Sunday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 9.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On April 19
Topics Created On April 19, 2020
- Determine your Dark Factor
Take this test to see if you're a nutjob 😉
"Ethically, morally, and socially questionable behavior is part of everyday life. Psychologists use the umbrella term "dark traits" to subsume personality traits that are linked to th
- Taurus Children villifiy Parents who tell them what to do
Hi there,
Is it true that Taurus Children can villify you when you give them chores or tell them to do something they absolutely oppose? I did that and I read it here multiple times.
I am still like that. When five friends tell me you should do this, I
- Who wants to do a challenge with me!
I have a drinking problem. I have been drunk everyday since noon. I’m gearing up for a cleanse cause I gained weight, but first, I wanna do one week with no alcohol!! WHOS INTERESTED IN JOINING ME? You don’t have to sign up, just tell me you are intereste
- Aries moon + Leo moon
Is it a good pairing? Any experiences?
Asking for a friend.
- New Fashion- Let’s See Your Mask
Fashion Forward
Mine is a leather Harley Davidson held up with Bobby pins lol
- Offset is Messy
- Is he interested ? I'm losing myself
Hey everyone. I've seem some intelligent insightful individuals here. I thought i'd join the forum. Ive posted on other forums with no luck
I met an Aquarius guy at an indoor race track. I went with my friends . This guy was staring at me up & dow
- Health & Wellness Products
I’m just here to share the wealth. If you’re looking for products for detoxing, weight loss, weight gain or just need to increase your daily vitamin intake. The link is provided