April 29, 2020
April 29, 2020 is a Wednesday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 1.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On April 29
Topics Created On April 29, 2020
- Moon-Mars
Any personal experience with Moon square Mars synastry?
- Hey you! Yeah you! Get in here! 👄
- do you believe
in the scorpio/pisces connection?
share your thoughts pls.
- What sign should a Gemini avoid?
Hmm 🤔just sitting here pondering. I wonder who it is🤔
- Immune System
Now more than ever, we need to keep the immune system strong ... what is everyone taking to help with this?
I’m taking ..
* Two to three grams of Vitamin C with ginger, zinc, blueberry and bilberry (Patrick Holford)
*Two garlic pearls
*1000/2000 iu Vi
- TikTok
I seen this cringy ads millions times on youtube I just never took the time out to see what it's all about because i didn't care. That until I walk in on my 12 year old nephew yelling at his 9 year old sister about her weird obsession with that app and wh
- How are you?
And I mean, how are you truly doing during this lockdown?
I'm losing track of time and days. I miss being physical with my friends, I miss hugging them. I miss my nights out. I miss adult times.
I feel like I'm slowly withering away....
- How Do NonPotheads Live with Potheads?
Sounds stupid, probably is a stupid question but I will still will ask.
because I know only one person that lives with his girlfriend who is a pothead and he is not. It didnt bother him before living together, but the constant smell in the house and on