April 12, 2020
April 12, 2020 is a Sunday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 11.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On April 12
Topics Created On April 12, 2020
- Sex position
I didnt know what else to title this but... anyway...
You know when you're having sex and the guy takes both your legs and holds them with one hand by the ankles straight up in the air? Anyone else feel like a baby getting a diaper change in this positi
- Do fame lead to depression?
Like famous people start to think they are not real, or they are actually someone else
What do you think?
- Unban Rabbit aka Chimichanga
Could you unban @Chimichanga. Rabbit was just drunk trolling me.
- Aries woman and capricorn man?
I am Aries sun, Scorpio ascedant, Taurus moon and Aries venus.
The man I am interested in is Capricorn sun, Aries moon and Aquarius venus.
We met 3 years ago, he asked me out, but I rejected because I was getting into a relationship. But we have been fr
- You fall in love only for your past to come back and haunt you
- Fire and water don't mix but you're learning to blend the two into something new
- Aries in 3rd house - Fiery communication has been a major life lesson for you
- Planets have aligned in just the right order for you to figure yourself out
- They were finally letting you in and then you find out their secret!
- Libra changing tactics in love and finally going to start seeing results
- Destined to be more than just a home maker, it's your time to shine
- Career confusion, the pandemic finally slows you down enough to figure out what you want to do
- Didn't care about job till pandemic hit and now you're ready to put the work in
- Finally learning to manage long-term illness
- Ready to fight to get back first love, lesson to be learned here
- Over eating and stress is recipe for disaster, time to make some life changes
- Top 10 Most Compatible Zodiac Signs