April 20, 2020
April 20, 2020 is a Monday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 1.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On April 20
Topics Created On April 20, 2020
- Interested in Learning More about the Cancer Men
For those who know, I am in love with my cancer boofriend I have taken in a lot of consideration on what you've all told me, I took it down a notch which was needed.
Now that I have looked back and reflected our situation I came to the realization that h
- Pregnancy & Food Aversions/Complications
I know pregnancy is different for everyone. Some have very blessed pregnancies without morning sickness, aversions or allergies etc.
This topic is specifically towards pregnancy and food aversions and other complications related to pregnancy.
I’ve exp
- Quarantine support thread
For those of us who can’t function without the services of other people.
- 2 Questions..
If a man said....
"What would you do if I was cheating on you?"
Ladies - What would you think/feel?
Men - Why would you say this to a woman?
- Guitar Players....
Anyone recognise what the guitar effect is on this vid @ 2.02 mins?
Lovely Pisces man Rory 😍
- Feel Trapped
This quarantine is ruing my relationship!!! I am a Libra woman, he is a Scorpio male. We both live in a big city and work stressful jobs (I'm an attorney, he international policy). I liked him because he is charming and extremely smart, but I feel I am
- Would you sit with a republican?
Under what circumstances would you or wouldn’t you?
- Ciara ❤ Russell Wilson
- Leo men and breakups
Do leo men breakup with their girlfriend to test them and see if they will try and fight for the relationship?