April 8, 2020
April 8, 2020 is a Wednesday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 7.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On April 8
Topics Created On April 8, 2020
- Feeling crappy after an ex texted me he got married.
I just got a text from an ex bf: I just thought about you, hope you are doing well during this pandemic. I got married at the end of last year.
WTF,that totally ruined my peaceful guaranteed life. I already heard of the marriage and had suspected he had
- Another Aqua shows deep feellings and then runs away
This is simple: she (Aqua) went into "hiding" again, for a week or so (3 weeks ago). Barely texted, barely talked. Then she asked for my opinion on a personal problem she had, helped her, told me she loves me (it wasn’t the first time). Then I offered to
- My cancer man doesn’t trust me
I have been seeing him for nearly 4 months and he just doesn’t trust me at all.
Last weekend I stayed with him for 3 days and he opened up to me a lot about his childhood and past traumas and also about how he finds it hard to trust women so he’s learnt n
- Am I claustrophobic or what’s wrong with me.
So I’ve heard about people with claustrophobia and lately I feel like I have signs of being claustrophobic, to the point that I can’t sleep with my partners being too close or hugging me, as if I can’t escape. I have to tell my partners that I need space
- Body Types of the Signs
Curious what everyone's intuitive impression is of what the archetypal body types would be for each sign. I'm primarily speaking at the archetypal level, as in, what would the Platonic ideal of each sign look like, but I'm also curious if anyone has notic
- In your experience which one is more hot to have in synastry? ?
Man's Mars conjunct Woman's Venus
Man's Venus Conjunct Woman's Mars
- In your experience which one is more hot to have in synastry? ?
Man's Mars conjunct Woman's Venus
Man's Venus Conjunct Woman's Mars
- In your experience which one is more hot to have in synastry? ?
Man's Mars conjunct Woman's Venus
Man's Venus Conjunct Woman's Mars
- If a DXPer were to go to prison..
What would they be going to prison for?
- Sag Moons and Libra Suns
I was curious do other fellow Sag Moons mainly attract Libra Suns like I do? Other than libra suns, I attract Virgo Suns like crazy.
Just wondering if it's a common thing among other Sag Mooners attracting Libra Suns
- Am I interpreting house-ruler aspects correctly?
Using this chart as an example:
Am I right to think that because Red has Moon as their 5H ruler and Blue's Venus/Mars/Uranus (which rule their 8th, 7th, and 5th respectively as well as Venus being their chart ruler) make direct