April 28, 2020
April 28, 2020 is a Tuesday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 9.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On April 28
Topics Created On April 28, 2020
- Favorite things your Taurus has said
Taurus realism can be funny. What are some funny things your Taurus, or any of them have said?
I recall a Taurus ex saying his sisters are so evil that he'd throw a pizza party if he found out one of them had.. cancer. I know that sounds bad, but the way
- Aries Man Libra Woman
I am a Libra Woman. Me and my Aries man have been together for a year. The beginning was passionate, best Love I have ever received. He was sweet said he wanted to spend forever with me, send quite messages, want to spend hours on end with me. In January
- Cancer Wtf
Cancer guy broke up with me five months ago. I’ll admit I begged (a tiny bit) for him back. Our connection was everything and something I didn’t want to let go of. When I begged he got an ego boost and humiliated me over the phone to his friends. After th
- hypothetical family analyze by zodiac
Cancer dad
Virgo Mom
Capricorn son 14
Pisces Daugher 12
Leo daughter-9
What are the dynamics? Who gets along and who doesn't? is anyone close? What are the challenges?
- why is it so hard for this Leo to get along with her Gemini sister?
Firstly, I apologize to all the Geminis, as I am pretty sure this has little to do with her sign but I am trying to look at all angles here. My sister is 14 years older than I am and impossible. She has narcissistic tendencies (after studying my own sign
- Is it true cancer men often look for a woman who resembles their mom?
Like for instance would you date a woman that “mothers” you?
- Do you think the souls of lovers can communicate with each other even when their bodies aren't
Like they can just know what the other person is thinking or wants even when they're apart?
Have you guys ever felt it? I have.
- Moon signs compatibility
modality more important than element?
- Teyanna Taylor & Iman
- What do you think about this?
- Live TV Streaming Services
I'm thinking about....
Hulu + Live TV
Do you have either or both are they awesome? do they suck balls?
Please leave feedback
- Mars transits
Which house is Mars transiting for you at the moment?
I relate to mine ..
Transit Mars in the 12th House
When transit Mars is in your 12th house, you’re driven to retreat and reflect. Being around other people can be draining to you right now, and you
- Is it a good idea?
Is it a good idea to have sex with someone new to get over an ex that you know is not coming back?
- Remembering Vageenka/Effervescent/LethalFantasia