April 15, 2020
April 15, 2020 is a Wednesday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 5.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On April 15
Topics Created On April 15, 2020
- Covid Conspiracy (it’s just a flu)
What do you think about the people saying that this virus is being blown out of proportion and it’s nothing more than an extreme flu 🤧 that is being used to keep society constricted?
This is not something I believe in but I’m seeing a lot of similar acti
- Stolen Valium 👀👀
Once in a blue moon I’ll have an anxiety attack. It’s like a mix of anxiety & depression. I got myself prescribed Valium to help (I told the doctor I have airplane anxiety because I was worried they wouldn’t take rare panic attacks seriously).
I keep
- Need your help with a CANCER girl.
Hello my friends.
I'm searching for your help because I'm lost with this one. So I'll start by telling the story. I'm an Aries guy.
I met a CANCER girl about 3 years ago in a party. It was a difficult time in my life and so it happened that it was for h
- Annoying things about your zodiac sign.
- Let me Feel you up
Do Taurus people like it when their lover feels them up constantly?
I mean constantly. Non stop.
- Should I address growing concerns over minor verbal abuse with a friend?
TLDR at the end of this post.
I 22(M) have this friend we'll call "R." 20(F)
We've only been friends for about a year and we usually get along great. We playfully tease each other all the time and have a generally good rapport when it comes to taste. It
- Why would a woman not want to talk about her sexual history?
I asked a friend over VC about an experience she told me she had last semester in which she told me that a friend of hers and her boyfriend asked her to participate in a threesome with them. I assumed she said no because as she told it it seemed like it