April 9, 2020
April 9, 2020 is a Thursday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 8.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On April 9
Topics Created On April 9, 2020
- Too busy?!?! 🛑
- Did I get blocked?. 😏
What happened to Gematati?.
- My best friend’s husband
I found out, my best friend’s husband (don’t know what is his sign) is trying to get into me
He is literally sent me messages from his wife phone 🥶
As Sag with aqua rising, I’m kinda cold, and stop him so fast, and I told him to back off
But I fee
- Healthcare Workers During the Coronavirus Pandemic
Should they have to work and take care of patients without proper PPE to protect themselves and potentially bringing the virus home to their families?
- Done Being Exploited...
I know to be grateful to still be working during this pandemic because a lot of people arent But I am getting fed up with the company I am working for.
They are hardcore micromanaging us with the dumbest garbage. No matter how good our stats are for ea
- Any other taurus here who responds late to shit?
I am so bad at responding shit that I always confront the person later, that gave me a reputation for being obstinate and holding grudge. I dont take shit I just freeze
up and come back guns blazing later. Volatile Fire Signs already moved on but
- Venus Rx
Here is the info I got for this Venus Rx in Gemini..
Dear all,
This is the retrograde that I’ve warned you about. The moment that you have all been waiting for. The Rx that is REALLY going to knock all of your bomb
- Which Tarot Card are You?
You're the High Priestess!
You have wisdom, allure, and a hunger for knowledge. You know how to access and use your higher mind, and that's what this card is all about. There's a lot of intuiti