January 19, 2012
January 19, 2012 is a Thursday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 7.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On January 19
Topics Created On January 19, 2012
- Eh where are all the Pisces these days?
No offense to all the non Pisces posting in the forum these days but I'm getting a bit tired of reading post after post
- DXP GROUPIES!!!!!!!!!
We all have one :P SO groupies tell us who you're a fan of!! Lets make this boring thursday a love fest :D How do I k
- When a man does a 180
Ever happened to you? You meet a guy for the first time and *instantly* dislike him but end up falling for him!!? Why
- Are Sag girls stubborn?
I was talking to this Sag girl, beautiful, intelligent and sweet. We were talking like friends, and when I found out tha
- Married virgo disappears when feel lonely & cheap
Hi everyone, I have a question that probably some of you virgos or guys dating one can answer.. or have experienced t
- HELP me try and understand him, Im so confused!
I've known an aqual male from work for the past 3 years. We worked in a different department for the first 2. He was nat
- The sign you wish to you were
For me, i wish i am a Sagittarius. love everything about a saggie man. dont know why maybe because my parents are sa
- Cancer Men and Negativity
I know every Cancer is not the same. But based off of your experience or what you have read about Cancer men, do they l
- How Pisces Are You?
You are 40% Pisces You are 40% Pisces How Pisces Are You? Blogthings: 100's of Fun, Free Quizzes and 3 Stup
- Size Queens and Skanks
So my buddy was bitching about the women he dates. I say maybe it's all in his pickings.... He likes the look of a skank
- At wits end literally.....................
Hi I have been reading through this forum and have found it very interesting to say the least. I wondered if you Scorps
- nap time
wonder if love of naps is a Gem thing or just ppl thing... zzzzzz.....
- Hello fellow Sagis...........................
I'm new to this and just wanted to introduce myself, my names Cris. I have been reading this forum for a couple weeks no
- Tenderness of the beast ;-)
I figure the Leo section needs a little injection!! ;) And I have a new fetish... ;)
- just another broadcast
- Aquarius bf/Scorpio gf
So I started dating this Scorpio girl 5 months ago and in the beginning, she was really into talking to me and everythin
- Not exactly a guardian angel, but
At few specific times in my life the following has occured to me: someone has publicly (verbally) humiliated me, or has
- Class of '89
Waking up and groaning, burrowing deeper under my blankets Seriously? So soon? I look at the clock hatefully, eyes n