January 6, 2012
January 6, 2012 is a Friday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 3.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On January 6
Topics Created On January 6, 2012
- Loony Taurus Women?
lol Ive been reading back on some of the older posts on other threads (if that isnt loony enough) and I've found some Ta
- Kylie - Akcent
Every time I hear this song I think of the crazy foreigners that try to dance with every girl at the club. :P
- carmen sandiego's an aqua? lol
i've been called carmen sandiego before becuz of my tendencies to be MIA. for those of u not familiar w/ carmen, she's
- Scorpios Love or a Virgo (hurt/misunderstanding)
Ok I really need some deep advice. Ive been going though this roller coaster with a Scorpio man and I really appreciate
- The Confession Game!
Who wants to play? The way it works is, you answer the question above you honestly, (obviously, details are appreciat
- Leos...you are all just
SO amazing! :) god..i cant describe how much i adore the leos in my life!! they NEVER stop making me feel like i mean th
- Cancer men and sex
I have read several articles on the internet and they all say something different. I understand every person is differe
- Leo Men - Suffocating then Hot and Cold ???
I'm a Taurus and he's a Leo, my first. He recently just got out of a relationship about a year ago and it's been 3-4 yea
- Hello important
I think we should have a SEX board, so all the perverts can chit chat about giving head etc without having to take up
- Timeline of your spiritual journey
Or awakening....how long was it before you felt complete or that your cycle had transformed completely? Please share..
- chart and compatibility?
I was able to get the charts, but I have no clue what they mean as far as compatibility. Can someone tell me what this
- Being a Sag female
I tend to think with my emotions. When I feel something (anger, sadness, love, joy, suprise) I project it as soon as
- gems and unavailable men!!
The last guy I was with had a long term girlfriend and is now married, now I find myself with another guy who has a com
- Full Moon In Cancer, Monday Jan 9th ...Y I K E S
Okay my fellow and loveable Crustaceans, Moon Children AND Waterbabies: Cancerians :) What are your predictions for your
- Aries Sun&Moon with a Cancer Rising (deceptive)
I am an Aries sun and Moon with a Cancer Ascendant , and people are constantly taking me the wrong way, they see me as a
i wish i could rip my fucking head open, cut out the peice of my brain out that makes me keep remembering you and incine
- a song poem for my lioness
a little song, just in case you still check in here sometimes ;)
- What beauty regimens....
take your look from everyone else to polished and wow!
- Cancer Men.....where to start??
If anyone can shed some light on cancer men, that would be great! : ) I just met a cancer man. We spent the evening
- soooo now i think he's trying to avoid me.......
i felt that the only time he (aries guy) wanted to be in my face is when he wanted some or something from me or wanted m