January 28, 2012
January 28, 2012 is a Saturday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 7.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On January 28
Topics Created On January 28, 2012
- goddam aries man again!!!
So I have an Aries friend with whom there is a mutual attraction. (I am a gemini!) He was on a break from his girlfriend
- God and the Signs
ARIES: Dear God! Give me PATIENCE and I want it NOW ! TAURUS: Dear God, please help me accept CHANGE in my life, b
- Insight on Aries woman and Taurus male
April 16 1986 and April 21 1981 After ending a Long relationship with a Sagg I found myself contacted by a long lost
Ok this is sort of hilarious and so embarrassing at the same time!!!
- Pisces with Sag Moon
Does the Sag Moon make the Pisces' need for freedom at times even more intense? I know that Sag Mooners are known for ne
- What is this ??
- Aqua/Pisc cusp with Gem/Can cusp
anyone who has a idea of compatibility with theese 2? Aqua/Pisc is Moon:Gem Merc:Aqua Venus:Pisc Gem/Can is Mo
- I feel evil for this
I just recently saw my ex, who cheated on me and then strung me along. He kept his lies up forever. I found out the trut
- Interpret this chart for me please!
My Chart Sun Aquarius 20.35 Ascendant Virgo 13.11 Moon Aquarius 27.59 II Libra 10.58 Mercury Aquarius 27.07
- Angry Cancer
I had a question concerning when cancers get angry. I dated a cancer guy and we broke up 4-5 months ago. The girl he dum