January 24, 2012
January 24, 2012 is a Tuesday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 3.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On January 24
Topics Created On January 24, 2012
- Fighting with a Taurus man.
I have been back and fourth with this Taurus for five years. We met in highschool and now we are well into college. We h
- Why do you girls confuse us so?
Hey all. Haven't been in here in almost a year or so. Anyway, I need to voice my thoughts to someone... So, I've have
- 2012
Greetings folks, I've been away on a spiritual journey (again), So, what are your views/concerns on 2012 / The Age of A
- Novena To The Blessed Virgin Mary
(Never Known To Fail) Oh, most beautiful flower of Mount Carmel, fruitful vine, splendour of Heaven. Blessed Mother of
- Libra guy, ignored me, should I be direct?
I never gave him a direct answer as to his question if I find him attractive too. But my signs are all positive and I th
- Scorpio Disappearing Act
I'm just curious to see how my fellow Scrops respond to this. I've got a few friends who are also Scorpio suns, and they
- Pisces and Kittens
- Anyone else had a stalker..
Mine was an Aries. We dated for a year. I broke it off because I found out he had a wife in the military. Since he just
- Clinging onto Sagittarius peeps
How do you feel when someone clings onto you? Are you okay with it or do you immediately feel like running? LOL To wha
- that claustrophobic feelin
so i got a problem. basically when i'm in a relationship i'm faithful as hell and a hundred percent devoted to whoever
- aries and cheating
are aries the type to cheat?
- Look at your favorite people
What sign are the people that have added you as their favorite? Me-3 Aqua's and a Libra :) HMMM interesting!
- I WANT to beleive this is not real
take the time to watch it, its not long. THESE.FUCKS.WILL.PAY.
- should i send this message to my cancer man?
Hi, I have been having issues with my cancer man. Background:Been going out for about 6 months, got to him meet m
Some of you already know my story... for those who dont i will explain quickly. I was engaged to a taurus man, he bro
- Best way to handle crab's bad moods??
When I'm in a bad mood I just get sad - and I don't take it out on other people. But when my crab is in a bad mood, he g
- pisces enjoying the use of recreational drugs?
not alcohol for me. i'm a habitual marijuana smoker, always has done the trick for me. as a pisces sun... i'm assumi
- Celebrities with your Sun & Moon
I'm sure this has been done before but but I'm more intrested in the Sun & Moon aspect of this game. So which celebritie
- Sag male and Cancer female?
It seems quite a few sites have said this relationship would be either kind of good or terribly bad, but I feel it could