January 25, 2012
January 25, 2012 is a Wednesday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 4.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsTopics Created On January 25, 2012
- I Told my flakey cancer man this
background story: liked eachother, spent everyday together for about 3 weeks, on a sunday we saw eachother everything wa
- The Master of Shifting Sand
her voice echos into memory. her words sear. she crafts a heart deep into her palm. and there it will wait blindly e
- aquarius in my 7th house
cap with a leo moon and leo rising and my aqua is in my 7th house does that mean i will marry a aqua? my mom is a aqua w
Today is my birthday and i would like to wish a happy birthday to everybody who was born today. Doesn't matter if ur zer
- Cap Female*
Some Facts Regarding A Capricorn Female A tall slim, cool and quiet woman. Once she is mad she can be very fierce. Sh
- acting aloof
omg :( tell me your thought on this? :( I was just thinking about my ex,he was a sag ,at first he was really into me,an
- Is anyone experiencing Solar Flares?
- Please help! I need advice on an Aquarius Man. :)
I'm a Pisces and I've been friends with an Aquarius male for a year. We met last year at a new year's party. We excha
- Punished for Facebook indiscretion: is this legal?
I'm wondering if anyone here has knowledge of labor laws in California ... Here is the scenario... Is it legal? My fr
- Anyone know about CA labor laws?...is this legal?
I'm wondering if anyone here has knowledge of labor laws in California ... Here is the scenario... Is it legal? My fr
- Uhhhh...What Happened?
Ok, I've been seeing this aqua for about 3 months or so..things were rolling along just fine. She texted mushy shit thro
- Scorpio...Aquarius...I don't know... O_o
I also posted this in the Aqua forums...I'm not double dipping for sympathy or no bs like that..just need a little outsi
- Superficiality vs. preference
To me there is nothing more off-putting than a superficial person. I just hate suprficialities in all its forms, but we'
- HEY GUYS what's up? Hows it going? Life been treat
HEY GUYS what's up? Hows it going? Life been treatn' ya well? Gooood. Just a quick question guys, and wasn't sure where
- Do Scorp guys like to be chased...................
Or DO the chasing?
- piranhaparadiise
I could easily private message you, but I wanted everyone to witness me put my foot in my mouth. You are in fact a stun
- July 22 natives.....??
I read an article about July 22 natives and it said that they tend to have an 'edgy charm' but their personality is an a
- Curiosity...
I read an article about July 22 natives and it said that they tend to have an 'edgy charm' but their personality is an a
- Cancer natives!
I read an article about July 22 natives and it said that they tend to have an 'edgy charm' but their personality is an a
- Sag/Cancer relationship?
It seems quite a few sites have said this relationship would be either kind of good or terribly bad, but I feel it could
- bahahaaa!!!
- which celebrities do you match up with??
http://www.astrotheme.com/celestar/ i wish i never did this,lol halle berry: Human rating: 100% Emotional rat