January 30, 2012
January 30, 2012 is a Monday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 9.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On January 30
Topics Created On January 30, 2012
- Leo man with Scorpio rising sign..a roar & sting?
Hello Just wondering if anyone has an explanation for this combination? Thanks :)
- No eye contact from Leo?
Um, I am starting to get frustrated as to why I dont seem to get eye contact from him. We live together and it seems he
- stimulating the libra mind? ::Fun::
Hello! Just looking for a few questions to tease and stimulate my Libra. What questions make you blush but you secretl
- What should I say???
My gem bff is dating this guy. She stayed at his house this weekend. He told her she had free range of his home and his
- Aries Vs Aries
hello people, long story short i'm in a relationship with another aries, the 28th made it 11months since we started dati
- help me please with my aquarius boyfriend
hi, my boyfriend is aquarius. on our first week together, he was so lovey dovey.. so sweet, calls me all the time. even
- what does it mean.....
If my Pluto and Neptune are in Scorpio?
- online dating
If a man I'm seeing still goes on a dating site, where we met, do I have the right to be annoyed ? :/ I've known him for
- Libra Lady & Pisces Man
Ok this is the second time in my life that I have fallen for a fish. The first time ended in great heartbreak! I am not
- Pisces and pussy
- unstable aries women ?
Hi, I am an aries woman and my love life is so impossible ! Like most of you I get intense and passionate quickly but it
- My mother may have found her match
My mom doesn't really settle for anyone. She's never been married, and recently she was dating two men at the same time,
- It's just horrible!
This cruel and inhumane treatment has been ALLOWED to go on throughout history! It is time for this to stop! The pain an
- what to do
i have just started seeing a sag. he's great but there's someone holding me back from feeling too much for him. i was
- When your scorp makes jokes about killing you, and
Often says he hates you when you are getting down n dirty in the most naughtiest of ways... That really means that he
- soo i put myself out there and....
sort version..guy asked girl out girl froze and didnt say anything... girl goes and asks guy if he was serious and he
- Leo with Moon, Mars, Saturn and Venus in Scorpio!
Hi there, I'm a Leo woman (25) with Moon, Mars, Saturn and Venus in Scorpio and I have always felt more like a Scorp
- He will prevail.
Gaddafi loyalists take back Bani Walid. . .
- Sagittarius male confuses me
In a complicated love triangle. Okay, not that complicated. The sag man i'm dating is.having a hard time choosing betwee
- I am so fucking torn over you pisces...
I am a scorpio and I have this gorgeous pisces ex gf who keeps texting me. I swore her off two years ago, because--while
- Scorps cut-off date & all the reasons behind it
Im as scorp as they come....in more ways than I care to admit in some instances but in no way do I fail to recognize....
- I'm So Smart...
So Catfish and I are in the process of moving. Been packing for the past two days and I stumbled upon a box that I've b
- I want my Leo man back
My Leo man broke up with me after Christmas. I was devastated because I wanted to work things out but he said that our
- Haywire...
was totally not what i expected. i am all for a woman kicking some ass. which gina carona did. BUT the diaolgue was so B