January 5, 2012
January 5, 2012 is a Thursday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 11.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On January 5
Topics Created On January 5, 2012
- Safe Dating for Single Women and Men
The reception we received in Houston has exceeded our expectations by a long shot. A lot of the success has to do solely
Scorpio Man And A Capricorn Woman..... Does It Have The Potential To Work? Or Is this A Nightmare Waiting to happen? Any
- Proposing to a man
Ladies, Would you do it? Have you done it? Why or why not? Do you look down on other women who do? Gents,
- Saturn has been in Libra for 2 years??
So I read somewhere that Saturn is and has been in libra for a couple years now. What exactly does this mean? I've not
- How much can a Cap take?
I have the feeling I am rocking the boat with my Cap man. I posted a thread here before compalinig of him. Later he came
Ive just recently started talking to a scorp we've know each other a few years but just started talking on a different l
- Libra ex - love of my life?
I had a very very intense 6 month relationship with a Libra, three years down the line I still think about it a lot, and
- Libra best friend...arghghghgh
A LOT of the time we get on like a house on fire - I'm a Gemini. But then sometimes we argue over stupid things and she
- Start a word with the last TWO letters ^_^
- aries disappearing..
why do you do this? days pass and you're about to put out a missing persons, is it just that I'm not important?
Okay, I've been dealing with this scorpio man on and off for two years. I really like him, borderline love him. BUT he s
- Best match for Libra Sun Aquarius Moon?
Any suggestions? Cancer is OUT!lol
- Cancer or Virgo men?
There is a Cancer in my life (sort of) that I just adore. But I know he does not feel the type of connection with me th
- Business / Sales Related Question
Calling all outside salespersons or friends of outside salespersons or spouses of outside salespersons or people who onc
- how was 2011 for you
what are some of the most prominent signs placements aspects in your chart
- What Is It With...
People that say Oh, that must be your preference. Let me explain I was commenting on how hot Zoe Saldana looked i
- Escaping the winter for a week..Egypt, Spain or..
Italy? After a nice sum of money *magically* appeared on my account (I love my Jupiter in Sag, never lets me down :P)
- No more Aqua Ex
I stood up for myself and he has FINALLY LEFT ME ALONE! YEH, let's celebrate! :) :) :)
- Aqua's form of flirting
Out of curiosity...how do you guys flirt? Are you blunt and brazen or do the friendly buddy, buddy type of flirting by t
- racist white girls speak on
- When you're REALLY interested in someone...
What are the obvious signs? AND??where is your Venus?