January 16, 2012
January 16, 2012 is a Monday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 4.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On January 16
Topics Created On January 16, 2012
- cancer and leo? yay or nay
Never been on any leo forum or been interested in a Leo man before but i been talking to this leo and he's just sooo sw
- Bf's moon
My boyfriends moon sign Libra is in my 11th & 12th house. Is that good or bad?
- Aries direct approach
Do libras like when aries are direct? I can never tell what libras truly like because they are good with hiding their in
- Lack of communication
POST 1 OF 2 Hello everyone! First I???d like to apologize for any mistake, but English is not my mother tongue.
- Q..
Posted by QboneTo my taste and experience, Taurus woman is the perfect personification of the good old-fashioned woman.
- Insensitive..?
How many of you guys/gals talked about your feelings in honest way in a posts and then the whole post vanish..?? Exam
- qq
Hey guys i was listening to this song (forgot the name of it) and there's a bit in it where it goes i mean my, my, my,
- CanScor Combo...
Can it work? It sometimes seems we share the same point of view, likes, dislikes & issues even! Any one who can share th
- Are Sagittarius men usually..?
Are Sagittarius men usually this persistent when they would like to be with someone? I have never encountered someone wi
- What to buy an asshole for his bday??
A junkie tattooed drunk asshole i.e my baby:D I suck at buying for men, but I'd love to give him something cool/weird
- Capricorn & Cancer...
My cappy and I have been going strong for two years now. For me, any challenges we faced, starting this relationship ha
- Infant of Prague Novena & St. Jude
INFANT BABY JESUS OF PRAGUE NOVENA aka The Storm Novena or The Flying Novena (pray for 9 days or 9 hours straight)
- Peace
i wrote this paper for a scholarship, and it turns out the original topic required had nothing to do with my paper LOL s
- I love Emily Blunt
She may be one of my biggest female infatuations. Beautiful in every way. Born February 23, 1983