July 13, 2015
July 13, 2015 is a Monday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 1.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On July 13
Topics Created On July 13, 2015
- Can a penis be enlarged without astrology sign?
Are there any permanent, non-surgical methods of penis and scrotum enlargement, eg weights or stretching?
- Novena to the shoulder wound of Jesus
Say all of the following with your intention/request then publish with the thank you. O Most Loving Jesus meek lamb
- Powerful prayer for immediate requests
Powerful Prayer works immediately. Say nine consecutive times. Make the sign of the cross every time you say the pray
- Saint Anthony
- Need advice!
Is it a bad idea to hang out a lot with the girl or it will sounds too clingy ? because i really have fun and i don't
- How compatible are Geminis and Scorpios?
Particularly these placements? Him Gemini sun Scorpio Moon Gemini Mercury Gemini Venus Pisces Mars Her
- How compatible are Geminis and Scorpios?
Particularly these placements? Him Gemini sun Scorpio Moon Gemini Mercury Gemini Venus Pisces Mars Her
- Mother of Perpetual Help - For Financial Aid
Mother of Perpetual Help - For Financial Aid Realizing, dear Mother Mary, that thou art our Perpetual Help not only
- Heartbroken Again...
Let me start off by saying, I absolutely love Cancer men and sadly that seems to be my problem. My first love was a Canc
- Request password
Might wanna fix that shit... Hadn't been on here in weeks because "internal service error" wanted to block my way down t
- Twinflame Chaser Question
What are you doing to pass the time? This is soo painful ugh. I feel so empty. How were you even able to move on after t
- Wondering if this Gemini and I moved too fast?
We started talking May 4th online, had our first date and met on June 3rd and we had sex for the first time June 22. He
- How dominate are placements in water houses?
I feel so all over the place constantly, and my chart could be a large part of it. I'm not sure if this is just situatio
- Libra/Scorpio cusp whos on it!?
Does anyone have Scorpio tendencies?
- prof
- Animal Crossing
Hello, First post here :) I felt a little intimidated by this forum (yet, I love reading your posts) I have signed
- What superhero is your sign?
Agree/Disagree with this? Any other suggestions than what is listed above?
- Aquarius women rude?
I am a virgo. I have seen that most aquarius women are rude. Just sharing my experience. I don't want to offend any Aqu
I've known this libra man for about 9years he was actually the guy who took my virginity we were dating but I decided to
- Scorpios- Loneliness and depression.
So my cousin is a Scorpio, we used to be very close when we were younger as I was pretty much brought up with her. We do
- Interests
Is the Interests section not comprised of forums anymore? I tried to create a thread in the Vladimir Putin forum, and
- On & Off Libra boyfriend ...his confusing me!!!!!!
Hi all...i come across this website just to ask advise or any input from someone who have a relationship with Libra. My
- Soo, where are these coming from?
So i don't think that i'm pretty understand what is goin on with the aries guy i've been talkin to lately. At first, h
- Does a Virgo man mean what he said
met a Virgo man who became a FWB with me for a month until I went on a date with someone else, he decided to stop the FW
- Are you the type of Aries that...
gets irritated when someone helpless is being picked on so you defend them?
- Opinions
Are we compatible? I'm totally falling for this guy and for the first time in my life I'm scared out of my mind but ca
- I need advice on a cancer man
I'm a Scorpio and I've been talking to this cancer guy for like a month and half And everything was good but now its
- How would you react
Scenario 1 - you see a picture and/or meet your significant other's ex, and he/or she looks just like you. Like you coul
- Ok. The thief better own up...
The Man Cave needs this back. We've put bloodhounds on the trail, but are willing to forgive if you just quietly leave
- Help Get Leo female to See Cancer Male
I just joined because I need to get my leo gf to see me! We have been together for 5 yrs. I messed up by lying to her
- Bad month for Cancers?
Hello! First time poster, but I've been reading this site and everyone here seems very knowledgable so I figured it coul
- Help Get Leo to See Me
I just joined because I need to get my leo gf to see me! We have been together for 5 yrs. I messed up by lying to her ab
- Dating a Cancer man
Ok Gemini ladies, has any of you ever been in a relationship with a Cancer man? I am currently in one with a Cancer man,
- Guessing someones sign based upon looks only?
My most recent victim, Jacqueline MacInnes Wood. http://www.celebritysizes.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/Jacqueline-
- Cancer and Taurus...Friends, Lovers or Enemies?
What are your experiences with a the bull?
- Will he move on?
This Sag guy really really likes me and I don't feel the same way. I ignore him bc I don't want to tell him that I want